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Active Learning and Teaching Methods for Key Stage 3 4 November 2013

Bamber, J., and Tett, L. (2001), “Ensuring integrative learning experiences for on-traditional students I higher education”, Widening participation and Lifelong Learning, 3 (1) pp8-16

Biggs, J. (2003, 2nd ed.)  Teaching for Quality learning at University, Maidenhead: The Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press

Brown, S., and P. (2002) Lecturing: A Practical Guide.  London: Routledge

Chickering, A. W., and Gamson, Z. F. March 1987.  ‘Seven Principles for Good Practice’ AAHE Bulletin 39: 3-7.  ED 282 491. 6pp. MF-01; PC-01

Doyle, T. (2008)  Helping students learn in a learner-centred environment.  A guide to facilitating learning in Higher Education, Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing LLC

Exley, K., and Dennick, R. (2004) Giving a lecture: From Presenting to Teaching.  London: Routledge

Falconer, I. and Littlejohn, A. (2007) Designing for blended learning, sharing and reuse’, Journal of further and Higher Education, 31, (1), pp.41-52

Peelo, M. and Wareham, T. (eds.) (2002) Failing Students in higher education Maidenhead, UK, SRHE/Open University Press.