The core functions of the department are:
- Delivery of the core student administrative functions for the University in the provision of all Registry Services: Enrolment and Registration, Examinations and Graduation services including daily assistance to resolution of student issues.
- The cross-functional operational service delivery of student information systems to all Schools, Directorate and Students across the University.
- Delivery of strategic, business critical projects that form part of the University’s Strategic Student Information Systems Development Plan.

About Us
Student Registry Services
We are responsible for coordinating the Registration and Enrolment process, the administration of Examinations, Graduations and the maintenance and archiving of all core Student Records.
Student Registry Services
About Us
Qsis is an integrated student system that manages the full student lifecycle at Queen’s. It is used to process all key business functions from admissions, to registration and programme administration through to Graduation including all detailed student financial information.
QsisGuidance for students
To view the core business activity from a student's perspective, please visit the Student Registry Services page.
Contact Us
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