Find the answers to our most frequently asked questions
Frequently Asked Questions
The Qsis database holds all core details about students, classes, fees, enrolments, admissions and transcripts for the University. This information is made available to staff through personalised Qsis accounts that function as an administrative tool. In compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR requirements, the privacy rights of students and staff must be protected when processing Qsis data. Those responsible for requesting Qsis access should remember that data being accessed by staff members must be limited to what is necessary for their specific role.
Depending on your user category, how you receive access to Qsis will vary.
Clerical/Administrative Staff
Accounts are set up manually by Qsis Governance with access specific to the business requirements of your role. As Clerical/Administrative staff will have broader access than Academic staff, Qsis Fundamentals Training Part 1 must be completed as a prerequisite to obtaining an account. Once this training has been completed, your line manager must submit a Qsis Access Request Form on your behalf, detailing the access you require.
This form is available on SharePoint. Your line manager will need to ensure they have correct SharePoint permissions in order to access it.
If the link returns the following error message ‘Sorry, this site hasn't been shared with you’, you do not currently have access to the Qsis Access Request Form. Please contact Qsis Support to request this access (x2884, studentsystemssupport@qub.ac.uk). Once SharePoint access has been granted, you will receive an automated email with a link to the form.
To fill out a Qsis Access Request form on SharePoint, click here.
You can find an interactive online simulation to guide you through the process here.
- Academic Staff
You will automatically receive a self-service Qsis account once your school attaches you to modules as an Instructor, or to students as an Advisor. If this has not occurred, your school will need to attach you to modules and/or students as required. They may also need to ensure your information on the relevant People and Culture system is correct, as inconsistencies here can cause errors in the automated process.
- Students
You will automatically receive a self-service Qsis account once you are term activated.
Clerical/Administrative Staff - Filling out a Qsis Access Request Form
Each time you require additional access on Qsis, your line manager is required to submit a Qsis Access Request Form.
This also applies if you move to a new position or department within the University, since your previous account will be deactivated as per our standard procedure. Your new line manager will then need to outline the access you require for your new role via the Qsis Access Request Form.
How long will it take for my Qsis Access Request Form to be processed?
Once your line manager has submitted a Qsis Access Request Form on your behalf, Qsis Governance will endeavour to process this in 1 to 5 working days. We will contact you and your line manager to update you when the appropriate changes have been made to your Qsis account. Once you have received this email, these changes will be live immediately. Please review your account and contact us if your access has not been updated; you may need to log back into your account or clear your browsing history in order to see the changes to your account.
- Can I request access for my own Qsis account?
Access requests which have not been countersigned/approved by your line manager will not be accepted; i.e. you cannot submit a Qsis Access Request Form for yourself. As per our auditor’s guidelines, all requests for additional Qsis access must be submitted and approved by your line manager.
- Can I request the same access for a new member of staff as an existing member of staff
As per auditor guidelines, Qsis accounts cannot be cloned. For example, requests such as "Jane Bloggs has recently taken over the role previously held by Joe Anon. Can Joe Anon's permissions be transferred to Jane Bloggs?" will not be accepted. Please contact us if you need assistance with identifying the access required. In line with Data Protection requirements Qsis must protect the privacy rights of individuals when processing data. Those responsible for requesting Qsis access should remember that data being accessed by staff members must be limited to what is necessary for their specific role.
Clerical/Administrative Staff – Working with Qsis
How do I attach the QUB Standard Reports pagelet to my Qsis homepage?
On your Qsis homepage, navigate to Personalise Content located at the top right of the page. This will return a list of PeopleSoft Applications which can be added to your home screen to allow quick access. The most commonly used pagelet is QUB Standard Reports, which provides quick access to popular reports such as Core Student Details and Exam Results. Once the desired pagelet is selected, scroll to the bottom of the list and select Save. Use Personalise Layout to move the pagelet around your homepage as desired.
Reports are only available as standard to Clerical/Administrative staff.
- How do I get access to SharePoint lists e.g. Withdrawals, Report Requests or Swaps and Drops?
- How do I change the date format?
To change the date format to (DD/MM/YY) navigate to Main Menu > My Personalisations. Within this page, choose Personalise Regional Settings and use the drop down menu associated with Date Format. It is important to ensure your date format is set correctly to prevent misinterpretation of Qsis data.
Please be aware, changing the format in Qsis settings alone may not be sufficient. If you are still experiencing problems, check your computer settings are also in the format DD/MM/YY.
Clerical and Academic Staff – Problems with Qsis Access
I can’t log into Qsis with my staff number and Queen’s Online password. What should I do?
If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new one by visiting the IT Helpdesk on the Ground Floor of the McClay Library with your staff ID card. If you think there may be another reason for your being unable to log in to your account, please contact Qsis Support (x2884, studentsystemssupport@qub.ac.uk).
- I have received the following message ‘Authorisation Error – Contact your security administrator’. What should I do?
If you receive this error message it most likely means you don’t have access to the page/report you are trying to access. If this is access not previously requested by your line manager, they will be required to submit a Qsis Access Request Form on your behalf.