Our Administration and Resources team delivers a range of services to colleagues in other Estates divisions together with campus-wide services.
These include the Estates Helpdesk, the supply of furniture for staff in new posts, access control configuration settings and support for a number of key IT systems. Administration and Resources continually seek ways of improving performance with the introduction of new and innovative systems and processes to aid efficiency, including the Safety Document Management System and the Queen’s Fire Safety Management System.
Our services include:
Financial Control | Administration Services | Key Performance Measurement | Information Management |
Co-ordination, Management and Development of ICT | Estates Helpdesk | Access Control Configuration Settings
Clerical, Secretarial and Helpdesk
Our Clerical and Secretarial team are enthusiastic, professional and very customer focused. They all have a 'willing to help' attitude and provide support to 50-plus Professional Services staff within the Directorate.
Services we provide include:
- Clerical/Secretarial support
- Processing financial transactions
- Procurement services (in conjunction with the Procurement Office)
- Records management communications
- Courier postage charges
- Furniture
- Estates Helpdesk
- IT Support Group
The Information Technology Support Group (ITSG) are responsible for the management of a series of core institutional computer systems such as Micad (used for Space and Asbestos Management), the On-Line Access Control System, Fire Safety Compliance, the Car Park Management Systems and the new core system to manage Incidents and Accidents for the University (IRIS).
The systems group are responsible for key Estates solutions which include the Minor Works and Staff Location Management Systems, and provide operational support for the Safety Document Management System and the Hirsch Velocity solution.
ITSG staff also provide technical expertise to Estates and others in the specification and development of requirements to enhance the end user experience.
Services we offer include:
- Building Access Control (authorised access provided through QOL)
- Staff and PGR Student location (authorised access provided through QOL)
- Car Park Management (authorised access provided through QOL)
- Fire System Management
- Safety Document Management system
- Estates Minor Works system (for nominated School and Directorate staff)
- Space Management (Micad)
- Asbestos Management
- Incident Reporting and Information System (IRIS)
Richard McElnay
Ext: 5005 Email: r.mcelnay@qub.ac.uk
Derrick Black
Ext: 1018 Email: d.black@qub.ac.uk
ASSISTANT ESTATES MANAGER (Clerical, Secretarial and Helpdesk)
Lorraine McCallum
Ext: 1033 Email: l.mccallum@qub.ac.uk