The activities, policies and strategies Queen's University Belfast are adopting to work towards a carbon neutral, sustainable future.

Queen’s University are committed to becoming a net-zero organisation, by reducing carbon emissions and providing a high quality and sustainable working environment for students and staff.
To date, over 11,288 tonnes of carbon has been prevented by investing in alternative, low carbon technology.

Queen's are committed to ensuring the waste generated within it's campus is minimised where possible, and processed as sustainably as possible. To ensure this takes place, the 5 R's waste hierarchy is closely followed - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.

Queen's University strives to improve biodiversity on campus and within the local community. Students, staff and community members collaborate regularly to help maintain the grounds in and around campus, as well as improving areas in the local community.

Queen’s are committed to encouraging, and supporting, staff and students to travel via active and green avenues to Queen’s.
Several measures have been put in place to increase sustainable travel including substantial provision of cycle parking, lockers and changing facilities, public transport incentives, cycle to work scheme and the formation of the Big Loop Bike Hub within Queen’s. Queen’s was the first first employer in the UK to achieve the Cycle Friendly Employers accreditation, and the first to achieve the Gold standard.

The Queen’s Green Fund was launched in February 2019. The University fund enables staff and students to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to help them bring their green ideas to life on campus, and support the wider objectives of the University’s commitment to the environment.
Over 40 projects covering a wide range of environmental initiatives from staff and students across the University received funding and these covered a wide range of initiatives focused on taking action on campus.

Queen’s University is committed to ensuring sustainability is incorporated into every aspect of its operations, teaching and research. The Estates Directorate ensures all development projects are designed to a high, sustainable standard.
All projects greater in value than £1 million are designed to a BREEAM Excellent standard, whilst refurbishments achieve a BREEAM Very Good rating. Development projects at Queen's take into consideration many aspects, including sustainability, energy performance, water efficiency and biodiversity.

Staff, Students and our local community have a part to play in helping Queen's achieve Net Zero emissions.
To ensure our community is aware of the climate emergency we are facing, and are provided with the resources needed to act for our planet, a range of sustainability events, initiatives and programmes take place within Queen's.

Queen's is committed to embedding sustainability in every aspect, including teaching, research and operations. The Events and Conferencing Team, as well as the Campus Food and Drink Team work hard to ensure sustainability is embedded in all functions taking place on Queen's campus.

The Sustainability Team within Queen’s University are responsible for tracking a range of data, allowing the evaluation of our progress in minimising Queen’s impact on our planet. Data tracked and analysed includes Total GHG Emissions, Waste Generated per Student, Percentage Waste Diverted from Landfill, Water Consumption per Staff and Student FTE. Most of the data is absolute, except for Water Consumption per Staff and Student.
A full overview of data can be found via the HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) website.