The University is committed to ensuring that all staff and students are provided with suitable and sufficient health and safety training to enable them to carry out their work and studies in a safe and controlled manner.
Health and safety training requirements generally fall into three main categories: Induction, Foundation, and Specialist training.

New members of staff should receive a local health and safety induction on commencing employment. Schools (and Directorates where appropriate) must also provide students with a health and safety induction containing essential local health and safety information.
Key information such as emergency arrangements (First Aid, fire evacuation), and any other important local arrangements, should be given on the first day of work or as soon as possible thereafter. New staff should be made aware of the requirement to complete safety training which is deemed mandatory by the University, such as training in fire safety and the safe use of computers. Staff and student induction training may be in the form of briefings, presentations, handbooks, videos, and online training packages. Schools and Directorates should develop the content of the induction specific to the risks within their own area.
Further Information
After induction, further in-depth training relevant to the role should be provided. Foundation health and safety training needs will be similar for most categories of staff but may vary in the depth and detail of training required, depending on the role of the individual.
Foundation training includes fire safety, working with computers, risk assessment, electrical safety, office safety, and manual handling. Staff with management responsibility require additional training in the management of health and safety in order for them to undertake their role. Additional training needs may also be identified from local risk assessments, and in conjunction with line management. Training can be in the form of presentations, workshops, e-learning packages, external courses or face-to-face training. Training may be delivered through central health and safety programmes or delivered in-house by School/Directorate staff, by Safety Service staff or by training providers external to the University.
Further Information
While Foundation training will be received by all staff, Specialist health and safety training will be required by staff for specific purposes related to their activities (for example, scientific staff will received specialist COSHH and laboratory safety training).
Other specialist training will also be required for post holders such as First Aiders, Radiation Protection Supervisors, Biological Safety Officers and others carrying out specific roles or activities.
Further Information
In order to maintain and update competence staff should attend refresher training on a periodic basis, normally every three years.
Certain training, such as fire safety, must be undertaken annually. Some specialist training, such as First Aid at Work, requires training to be updated prior to expiry to retain the qualification. Consideration of, and planning for, refresher training should be part of the Management Annual Health and Safety Review and/or Staff Professional Development Review, (PDR), process.
The safety training programme for this academic year is complete.
The full programme of safety training courses beginning in August 2024 is now advertised and can be booked via the Self-Service Portal on iTrent.
Accident Investigation Training |
This training course provides participants with an understanding of why incident investigations are carried out and provides the practical skills required for anyone who is, or may be involved, in accident or near-miss incident investigation, including Managers, Supervisors, Department/School Safety Co-ordinators and Trade Union Safety Representatives. After completing this course, participants should: 1. Understand what accidents and incidents are (including near-misses) and how they are caused. 2. Understand the reasons for reporting and investigating accidents and incidents. 3. Be able to carry out an accident investigation at work and recommend improvements to help prevent it happening again.
Wednesday 30 Oct 24 Tuesday 25 Mar 25 Tuesday 20 May 25
09:30 – 11:00 |
AED Defibrillator Training |
This is a short one-hour workshop providing training for staff in the use of a heart defibrillator, (AED - Automated External Defibrillator), using a combination of theory, video and hands-on practice. |
Wednesday 11 Sep 24 Wednesday 30 Oct 24 Wednesday 11 Dec 24 Wednesday 05 Feb 25 Wednesday 09 Apr 25 Wednesday 11 Jun 25
11:00 – 12:00 |
Biological Safety and Genetic Modification |
This seminar begins with general safety while working in a laboratory using biological agents. It covers legislation, classification of pathogens, controls, containment laboratories, safety cabinets, sharps, BioCOSHH risk assessment, Schedule 3 microorganisms, cell cultures and waste. The second part of the seminar deals with genetic modification and covers definitions, legislation, classification, GM risk assessment, environmental risks, oncogenesis, vector hazards and GM project approval procedures. |
Wednesday 09 Oct 24 Wednesday 15 Jan 25 Wednesday 21 May 25 |
11:00 – 12:30 |
COSHH Course |
This course provides staff with an overview of the COSHH regulations and covers the hazards associated with chemicals and substances and how to identify them, how to carry out a COSHH assessment and how to work safely. It is aimed at those working with hazardous substances outside of the laboratory environment, e.g. paints, adhesives, cleaning products. |
Wednesday 09 Oct 24 Wednesday 05 Feb 25 Wednesday 21 May 25 |
10:00 – 11:00 |
DSE Assessment Tool |
This information session is designed for DSE Assessors. The aim of the course is to provide a solid understanding of the new DSE online software guiding DSE Assessors through each step of the process of reviewing a DSE assessment online.
Thursday 03 Oct 24 Thursday 16 Jan 25 Thursday 22 May 25 |
12:00 – 13:00 |
DSE Assessors Training |
This course provides staff with sufficient knowledge and understanding to enable them to undertake computer workstation risk assessments in their workplace and make recommendations on modifications to improve computer workstation set-up. The course includes a basic overview of ergonomics, legal requirements, possible health effects associated with computer use, how to improve the layout of the computer workstation, and how to undertake a practical workstation assessment. An overview of the new DSE software training programme available on QOL will also be provided. |
Tuesday 01 Oct 24 Tuesday 10 Dec 24 Tuesday 18 Feb 25 Wednesday 19 Mar 25 Tuesday 29 Apr 25 |
09:30 – 12:00 |
Event Safety Training |
This course is designed to help staff members organising small to medium sized events to understand some of the key elements of event health and safety management. The course will provide advice and guidance on developing event safety management plans and risk assessments covering key hazards such as First Aid, Fire, Crowd Control and Contractors. |
Friday 13 Dec 24 Wednesday 12 Feb 25 Wednesday 19 Feb 25 Friday 28 Feb 25 Friday 06 Jun 25 |
Times vary |
General Risk Assessment |
This course is aimed at staff who are required to conduct risk assessments in their workplace. The aim is to provide staff with an understanding of the role of risk-assessment in the overall safety management system and to equip staff with the practical skills necessary to carry out 'suitable and sufficient' risk assessments. The course provides information on the key steps of risk assessment, including how to identify hazards, manage the risk and determine the likelihood of harm so that staff are confident in carrying out risk assessments in their own premises. |
Tuesday 01 Oct 24 Tuesday 14 Jan 25 Tuesday 08 April 25 |
10:00 – 12:30 |
Health and Safety Coordinator Training |
This course is designed for staff who will be undertaking the role of Health and Safety Co-ordinator within their School, Centre or Directorate. This course will provide advice and guidance on how to co-ordinate health and safety matters and covers topics such as local management responsibilities, the role of the School/Directorate, the role of the Safety Co-ordinator, and what local procedures need to be in place within the School/Directorate. |
Tuesday 05 Nov 24 Tuesday 11 Mar 25 Wednesday 07 May 25
09:30 – 12:00 |
Health and Safety Induction Training |
New members of staff should receive a local health and safety induction on commencing employment. Schools (and Directorates where appropriate) must also provide students with a health and safety induction containing essential local health and safety information. Key information such as emergency arrangements (First Aid, fire evacuation), and any other important local arrangements, should be given on the first day of work or as soon as possible thereafter. New staff should be made aware of the requirement to complete safety training which is deemed mandatory by the University, such as training in fire safety and the safe use of computers. Staff and student induction training may be in the form of briefings, presentations, handbooks, videos, and online training packages. Schools and Directorates should develop the content of the induction specific to the risks within their own area. |
Tuesday 06 Aug 24 Wednesday 18 Sep 24 Thursday 10 Oct 24 Tuesday 05 Nov 24 Wednesday 04 Dec 24 Thursday 16 Jan 25 Tuesday 11 Feb 25 Wednesday 12 Mar 25 Thursday 10 Apr 25 Tuesday 13 May 25 Wednesday 11 Jun 25 |
09:30 – 10:30 |
IRIS Training |
This course is designed for staff who are undertaking the role of ‘Incident Investigator’ within their Schools and Directorates and will cover how to complete an IRIS report and upload the relevant documentation and information to the assigned incidents. |
Tuesday 17 Sep 24 Tuesday 21 Jan 25 Wednesday 16 Apr 25 |
09:30 – 11:00 |
Laboratory Chemical Safety |
This course is designed for Departmental COSHH Supervisors, project/research leaders, technical staff in supervisory roles and staff who work with potentially hazardous substances in a laboratory environment. The aim of the course is to raise awareness of responsibilities under the COSHH Regulations and DSEAR Regulations. The course covers the legal framework, how to conduct a risk assessment, strategies to control the hazards, procedures in case of an emergency, record-keeping, and evaluation procedures. |
Wednesday 18 Sep 24 Thursday 13 Nov 24 Wednesday 29 Jan 25 Thursday 27 Mar 25 Wednesday 18 Jun 25 |
10:00-12:00 |
Laser Safety |
This course is designed for new and existing research students and staff who are required to work with lasers in the course of their work and provides refresher training for existing Departmental Laser Safety Supervisors. This course aims primarily to provide awareness of the risks associated with laser systems and processes involving laser systems and to provide advice on the assessment and control of those risks. It will cover laser systems, classification of lasers, risk assessment of laser systems, eye and skin protection, and choice of laser safety eyewear. |
Monday 14 Oct 24 |
09:30-10:30 |
Wednesday 15 Jan 25 Thursday 10 Apr 25 |
10:00-11:00 |
Manual Handling |
This course is designed for all staff who regularly lift and carry as part of their work activity. The course aims to highlight handling-risks and ways in which to avoid lifting and handling, how to minimise risk of injury, and provide practical demonstration of lifting techniques. |
Thursday 12 Sep 24 Thursday 28 Nov 24 Thursday 27 Feb 25 Thursday 29 May 25 |
10:00 – 12:30 |
Noise Awareness for Line Managers |
The course is designed for line managers of staff who work in environments where noise levels may be an issue or where there is prolonged exposure to noise. The course aims to inform managers of their legal duties under the Control of Noise at Work (NI) Regulations, 2006, so that they will be better equipped to manage the risk from noise more effectively. The course will highlight why noise control is so important in the workplace and will provide examples of the risks to health and safety that noise can pose. It will also cover risk-assessments, noise measurements, action and limit values, as well as some practical techniques to eliminate risks from noise, and how to make best use of hearing protection and health surveillance.
Thursday 14 Nov 24 Thursday 27 Mar 25 |
10:00 – 12:00 |
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) |
This course will provide staff with an understanding of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) and how they relate to equipment that is used in the University. The aim is to provide staff with an understanding of the main legal requirements of PUWER, identify when a PUWER Inspection is required and provide knowledge on the scope of inspection. The course provides information to equip staff with the practical skills necessary to conduct PUWER Inspections. |
Tuesday 19 Nov 24 Tuesday 18 Mar 25 |
10:00 – 12:30 |
Radiation Safety – Open and Sealed Sources |
This radiation safety course aims to provide staff with the fundamental knowledge required to work safely in the vicinity of open and sealed radiation sources. The course includes a brief overview of radiation legislation, dose limitation, types of radiation, protection principles, health effects and dose / contamination monitoring.
Tuesday 01 Oct 24 |
14:00 – 16:00 |
Thursday 23 Jan 25 Tuesday 06 May 25 |
10:00 – 12:00 |
Radiation Safety – X-rays |
This course is aimed at staff who are working with or responsible for equipment which generates x-rays. Staff will learn about x-rays; their nature and properties and the effects of ionising radiation on the body, recognise the hazards of working with x-rays and why it is important to keep exposures ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ and learn good working practices such as the use of radiation monitors, dealing with emergencies etc. |
Friday 06 Sept 24 Tuesday 07 Jan 25 Monday 31 Mar 25 |
09:30 – 11:00 |
Safety in Fieldwork |
This course is designed for staff who have responsibility for organising and managing field work and field trips and aims to outline the requirements of the Universities sector guidance and to enable Schools to develop risk assessments and health and safety management systems for field work and field trips. Course covers management planning and preparation, field work risk assessment, emergency planning and procedures, assessment and review. |
Wednesday 23 Oct 24 Wednesday 22 Jan 25 Wednesday 05 Mar 25
09:30 – 11:30 |
Safety in Student Placement |
This course is designed for staff who have responsibility for organising and managing student placement. The course outlines the requirements of the Universities sector guidance and the Queen’s University Policy to enable Schools to implement appropriate management systems, including risk assessments. Training covers placement planning and preparation, required documentation from placement hosts, 6-factor risk assessment, placement monitoring and contingencies, and post-placement review.
Tuesday 19 Nov 24 Tuesday 04 Feb 25 Tuesday 13 May 25 |
09:30 – 11:30 |
Safe Transport of Class 6.2 Materials by Air |
This course will provide staff with the skills and knowledge required to correctly prepare shipments of Class 6.2 materials for transport by air. The aim of the course is to ensure that staff can locate key information from all sections of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations and can classify Category A and Category B infectious substances, patient specimens and exempt shipments. Staff will also need to be able to correctly package, mark and label a consignment in compliance with the IATA Regulations. |
Friday 13 Sep 24 Monday 13 Jan 25 |
09:30 – 14:00
Safe Transport of Class 6.2 Materials by Air – Refresher |
This course has been developed for staff who have previously completed the 'Safe Transport of Class 6.2 Materials by Air' course and who are familiar with the subject and technical manuals. |
Tuesday 24 Sep 24 Friday 31 Jan 25 |
09:30 – 14:00 |
Strategic Health and Safety Management |
This course is designed for Health and Safety Co-ordinators and Senior Management who are involved in managing health and safety. The aim of the course is to enable Management to develop strategic health and safety risk registers and risk management plans for the management of health and safety within Schools and Directorates. The course covers Strategic Risk Assessment, Health and Safety Risk Registers, Risk Management Plans, Assessment of Risk Control and Review of Risk-Management. |
Friday 27 Sep 24 Friday 24 Jan 25 Thursday 13 Feb 25 Friday 04 Apr 25 |
09:30 – 12:00 |
Work at Height |
The aim of the training presentation is to help staff reduce risks, accidents and incidents from working at height as well as assist the Schools and Directorate demonstrate compliance with legal requirements. The training considers:
On completion of training course, participants will be able to follow the hierarchy for managing risks from working at height, taking steps to avoid, or reduce risks, and have an understanding of the correct equipment for working at height. |
Tuesday 15 Oct 24 Tuesday 28 Jan 25 Tuesday 15 Apr 25 |
10:00 – 12:30 |