Ideal panel make-up and their roles
The Panel’s role is crucial to ensure that decisions can stand up to scrutiny as we want a reputation for acting in line with our core value of integrity.
Panel members will be subject matter experts, key users or stakeholders for the goods, services or works. The panel must be competent and 3 scoring members is ideal along with a non-scoring member of Procurement team. Membership should be consistent for the process and members who are not employees will need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

All Panel members must declare they have no conflict of interest. Requirement owner – determines who will score what, and is the final decision maker. Panel members – individually evaluate each tender submission and record their own comments. Procurement conducts a check against the minimum criteria set out in the tender documentation issued, guides the panel through the process and manages all supplier communications.
Confidentiality is vital throughout the tender process and details should not be discussed with anyone outside the panel which includes suppliers. If you have concerns contact Procurement.