Steps in advance of a panel consensus meeting
We start by looking back at what the Tender documents said about how we would evaluate tender submissions.
Invitation to Tender closes - You will be given access to examine the tenders
You must recap on what was released to suppliers. What did we say we would do in relation to evaluating their tender.
You will be sent the excel sheet to record your comments in a template before you meet with the rest of the panel.
Recording comments to a professional standard is critical as these may be scrutinised by the courts and tenderers themselves.
- Panel members should individually assess the strengths and then the weaknesses
Take each tender response in turn and examine the information provided against the published criteria. Record the strengths and then the weaknesses of each on the excel sheet you have been provided with.
Tip: Once you have evaluated all tender submissions, you may want to revisit the first Tender that you make comments on to ensure you have completed the task to a consistent standard.
- Ask the Procurement Office if you have questions
It is ok to ask if you are unsure. Ring the Procurement Office on ext. 3026
- Panel members attend a consensus meeting to record scores and comments
Each panel member will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each tender submission against the published criteria – then a collective score will be agreed and recorded along with the strengths and weaknesses. This combined document is what is used to provide feedback to the tenderer.
The evaluation of pricing will be prepared by Procurement and will be reviewed by the panel members for accuracy.
Finally, the result of the tender exercise i.e. a ranked list of tenderers will be signed off by the panel.
You must record your comments and scores in advance of the panel consensus meeting.
For an example of how, and what is expected please watch the videos which follow...
You must record your comments and scores in advance of the panel consensus meeting.
For an example of how, and what is expected please watch the videos which follow...
An example of what Queen's would typically issue to suppliers.