Checklist - Asking about Sex/ Gender Identity
1. Is the monitoring of gender required on this form?
Instances in which it may be required include: the monitoring of services, programme or events by a specific gender, the provision of targeted initiatives or services for a specific gender identity or the experience of individuals experiences in relation to gender identity.
2. Is it clear to the respondent why you are collecting this data, what it will be used for, and how it will be stored?
All data collection must comply with GDPR Guidelines.
For further information on ensuring you are complying with personal data protection regulations visit the guidance on the Information Compliance Unit Webpages.
3. Have you followed the University advice in relation to sex and/or gender identity?
Please see the Trans Equality webpages.
4. Have you used the Stonewall UK Best Practice Questions on Asking about Sex/Gender Identity to design your form?
If no, can you confirm this is due to the data requirements of an external agency?
5. Have you ensured the language used is as inclusive as possible?
6. Do you need to ask for someone's title (e.g. Miss, Mrs or Mr)?
If yes, have you ensured gender neutral options are available? (e.g. Mx).
7. Have you provided the option, where possible, for respondents to self-describe (i.e. Free text box)?
8. Have you included a 'Prefer not to say' option?
9. Have you ensured questions on gender identity and sexual orientation are separate?
10. Have you considered how responses will be reported to ensure trans respondents are not identified where they do not wish to be?
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Asking about Sex / Gender Identity