The University is committed to establishing an environment that is free from any form of harassment and bullying. Please click here to read the Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy.
In the event that a member of staff or student feels that they are being subjected to harassment on grounds of their religion, sex (including transgender), political opinion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic origin, or age, they are entitled to make a complaint against their harassor.
Anti-Harassment Advisors
We are fortunate to have a number of trained Anti-Harassment Advisors on campus at Queen's University.
To help you understand more about the Network and services they offer staff, some frequently asked questions have been prepared.
What do the Advisors do?
Anti-Harassment Advisors work in a variety of roles across campus, providing a confidential information service to staff on issues relating to bullying, harassment and discrimination. All Anti-Harassment Advisors are university staff, volunteers and carry out the role in addition to their day to day duties. If you feel you or someone you know is being bullied or harassed you can contact an advisor confidentially.
Why contact an Advisor?
It may be that you have recently experienced an incident of harassment for the first time and want advice on trying to prevent further incidents from occurring. Alternatively, you may have suffered a prolonged period of harassment in silence and feel as though you have finally reached breaking point. Whatever stage or circumstance, there are a number of people who are available to help you.
The University recommends that you discuss the situation with an Anti-Harassment advisor before taking any other steps in response to the alleged harassment.
Talking through the events and your feelings with the advisor will help you decide on the best way to deal with the behaviour and will clarify the options available to you.
Can I talk to someone else confidentially?
You may, in the first instance, want to discuss the matter in confidence with a friend or colleague who is familiar with the setting in which you work or study. If you are a member of staff, you may want to discuss the matter with your line manager/supervisor (where appropriate), or trade union representative.
You can of course contact your HR Business Partner who will meet you to have a confidential discussion in person. They can advise you on what to do next and the options open to you. Alternatively the University has a professionally staffed confidential counselling service (provided by INSPIRE) for assistance with personal, emotional and social problems. Please contact them by phoning 0800 389 5362.
Through a referral system, our Occupational Health Service provides a support service that promotes and preserves both the physical and mental wellbeing of all staff. They assist in ensuring that the work environment is safe and that a person's health is not adversely affected by their work activities.
You can also contact the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. Please contact them by phoning 028 90 500600 or visit the Equality Commission NI website.