Equality Screening
The following information has been produced for staff to help them understand the importance of equality screening. On this page you can access:
- Frequently asked questions
- Guidance Notes
- Flow Chart
- Relevant documentation you need to complete and return
- Links to external information
- Contact details of staff who can assist you in the process
What is Equality Screening?
The purpose of equality screening is to identify those policies that are likely to have an impact on equality of opportunity and/or good relations. It is one of the key tools to enable public authorities like Queen’s to fulfil their statutory obligations and mainstream the Section 75 equality and good relations duties into policy development and service delivery. It provides an opportunity to improve decisionmaking and support ‘evidence based’ policy making.
Why do it?
Screening will help improve our service provision through a systematic review of all services, policies, procedures, practices and/or decisions. It will also provide tangible evidence as to how Queen’s has given ‘due regard’ to the promotion of equality of opportunity and ‘regard’ to the desirability of promoting good relations in the initial stage of policy development.
When Should I do it?
It should be completed at the earliest opportunity in the policy development process. It is more useful if it is introduced at an early stage when developing or reviewing a policy, or during successive stages of implementation (e.g. strategic review, options paper). To undertake screening after policy proposals have been developed may be inefficient in terms of time and may be ineffective if policy makers are reticent to make changes at a later stage. It may also duplicate policy development processes.
Who Should do it?
The responsibility to carry out equality screening rests with the policy leads and/or authors. It is not the responsibility of the Diversity and Inclusion Unit to carry out this task. However, the Diversity and Inclusion Unit will actively assist any policy lead/author with the equality screening process. To help you get started, we have provided you with some useful information.
Please read the above Screening Guidance Notes and the Screening Flowchart. You can also access some really helpful guidance from the Equality Commission and Goods Relations Indicators data produced by NISRA.
Equality Commission Section 75 Training Video
Following completion of the Screening Form, please return it to the Diversity and Inclusion Unit. The completed Screening Forms on the Policies Currently Screened page will give you some understanding of the level of information required.
If you require advice on the screening process, please contact:
Heather Callighan
Diversity and Inclusion Unit
Tel: 02890 971046
Email: h.callighan@qub.ac.uk
If you require any equality monitoring data to assist you with completing the Screening Form, please contact:
Leeann Matchett
Diversity and Inclusion Unit
Tel: 02890 973039
Email: leeann.matchett@qub.ac.uk