Academic Progression
The application window for 2025 opens on 20th January and closes on 21st February at 4:00 pm.
You can read more about Academic Progression and view the timeline for 2025 below.
For detailed guidelines on the approach, please download the Academic Progression Guidelines.
What is Academic Progression?
There are two main pathways at Queen’s: Research and Education, and Education and Scholarship, both of which are of equal value.
The Academic Progression process is the means by which academic career progression is achieved at Queen's and is clearly linked to Personal Development Review (PDR) , by building on the career and development conversations between Reviewer and Reviewee, and ensuring the appropriate feedback and support is provided to enable employees to take ownership of their own development and progression.
The Academic Profiles set out the key areas of academic activity (Research/Scholarship, Teaching and Learning and Citizenship), and the criteria which defines the standards expected at each level of the relevant academic career pathway. Performance against the criteria in the Profiles will be evaluated holistically, with overall contributions across and within the three domains being taken into account. In order to progress staff are expected to meet the Profile for their current grade and demonstrate readiness to progress to the next grade.
Academic Progression Review
A review of Academic Progression is currently being led by the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education and Students, and The Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Enterprise.
The key drivers for the review are:
- Alignment of Academic Profiles with the priorities of Strategy 2030 and the Staff Charter.
- Ensuring parity of esteem across academic career pathways.
- Enhancing the user experience for both Committee members and applicants.
An Academic Progression (AP) Working Group was established and has completed the initial phases of revising the AP process, focusing on:
- Reviewing Academic Profiles, including professorial range descriptors.
- Developing a research career pathway.
- Conducting an Associate Lecturer pilot study within the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.
- Reviewing policy and processes to align Academic Progression with Probation and PDR.
The emphasis is on improving the user experience for applicants and committee members by streamlining and simplifying the process and reducing duplication of effort through better integration of information across related processes.
Wider consultation with stakeholders will soon begin on the updated profiles, policy, and process, to refine and finalise the work completed so far.
Congratulations to the 212 members of staff who have progressed in the 2024 Academic Progression exercise. To view the full list, click here
Academic Progression Timeline
Faculty ClinicsFaculties to hold Progression clinics to communicate the meaning of: trajectory; holistic evaluation and compensation; and, what ‘good’ looks like at each grade/range.
20 January - 21 February
QOL opens for applicationsAcademic staff wishing to progress upload Academic CV and Cover Letter to QOL (QOL > Other > Academic Progression)
3 March - 4 April
School Academic Progression Committee meetDecision on progression to Senior Lecturer. Recommendation for progression to Reader.
7 April - 9 May
Faculty Academic Progression Committee meetDecision on progression to Reader. Recommendation for progression to Professor and progression within the Professoriate.
11 June - 12 June
Central Academic Progression Committee meetDecision on progression to Professor and progression within the Professoriate.
10 September - 11 September
Central Academic Progression Appeal Panel meetDecision on progression appeal cases.