Mental Health First Aid at Queen's
Our University is a place where people study, live and work. It strives to be a nurturing and supportive environment that empowers our students and staff to be mentally well.
As part of our continued investment in improving the support and resources for students and staff, and as we seek to create parity of esteem between our physical health and our mental health, the University has committed to establishing a network of Mental Health First Aiders on campus.
Mental Health First Aid training enhances understanding of mental ill-health. It develops skills, motivation, knowledge and confidence in identifying the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems and how to guide individuals to appropriate help and support.
Our Mental Health first aiders will be trained and certified to provide local support to staff and signpost them to additional support, if this is necessary.
The role of Mental Health First Aider is a voluntary role, with the primary focus to support those who feel they would benefit from talking to someone. Typically, this would include meeting with the member of staff and listening to them, providing support, and signposting them if necessary to the most appropriate specialist service.