Safeguarding Concerns
Everyone is responsible for ensuring the welfare of children and adults at risk and for raising any concerns which suggest a child or adult at risk may need to be protected from harm/abuse.
The University has put in place safeguarding arrangements to try and prevent/reduce the likelihood of harm/abuse occurring to children and adults at risk that the University engages with. However, it may well be the case that our employees/student/workers will still have concerns about the welfare of a child or adult at risk.
It can be difficult to raise concerns, especially if you suspect there is an issue, but are not certain, or have no evidence. Uncertainty can prevent people from coming forward as they worry that they are wrong. However, be assured that it is for professionals to consider the information available to determine whether further investigations are required, or not. The best thing to do is share the information you have, or your concerns, so the appropriate action can be taken by relevant people.
To protect children and adults at risk from harm it is important that all concerns are raised as soon as possible. Concerns could be raised about:
- The welfare of a child or an adult at risk in their home/community setting/peer group/online activity
- A child or adult at risk due to their involvement with University employees/workers/students or attendance at University events /activities, including online activities
- The behaviour of someone else working with children or adult at risk for or on behalf of the University or on University premises
The associated pages will set out the arrangements in place for reporting and responding to concerns that are raised.