What to do if someone raises a concern
- Remain calm.
- Listen and accept what the person has to say.
- Reassure them they have done the right thing to try and alleviate any fear they have about coming forward.
- Discuss with them that you will keep their information confidential, but you cannot keep it a secret and will need to pass their information to the Designated Safeguarding Officer.
- Explain what will happen next and assure them that you are taking this seriously. Tell them you need to write down what they have said and talk to another trusted adult.
- Complete the report form at the link below immediately after the conversation has ended.
- Report the concerns immediately to the Designated Officer and send them the completed Form for Reporting Safeguarding Concerns (SC01), below.
- Remember it is not your responsibility to determine whether the abuse occurred.
- Panic.
- Put words into the person’s mouth.
- Take a written record until after the conversation has ended.
- Rush them or stop the disclosure.
- Investigate or ask for more details than they have given.
- Make promises about outcomes and further actions.
- Ask leading questions.
- Express any opinions or views or shock.
- Make them repeat anything.
- Discuss disclosure with anyone other than the Designated Safeguarding Officer and other relevant staff or confront the alleged abuser.
- Delay in reporting.