Career Break
Staff may wish to take a career break during their working life for many reasons such as travel, to spend time with children, to undertake a period of study or to carry out voluntary work. Staff at the University who have more than 6 months service may apply for a career break. During a break the member of staff is not paid but will continue to be an employee of the University and will normally return at the end of the agreed break.
A career break can be between 12 months and three years and is a period of time where you decide not to work for example because you want to travel, continue with further education or spend time with children.
You need at least 6 months' service at the University to apply (having completed your probationary period). An employee will need to complete an application form and this should be submitted to your Head of School/Director at least three months before your proposed start date.
Career breaks will count towards continuous service but won't count as reckonable service for pensions, increments, sick leave, annual leave and maternity leave. You need to tell us when you are returning to work. All efforts will be made to assign a member of staff returning from a career break to his/her former post, but no guarantee can be given about this.
A career break may be extended twice for a period of not less than one year on each occasion provided the total period does not exceed three years in total.