Let Languages Take you Places
The Language Centre exists to support all QUB staff and students with opportunities to develop their language skills and cultural awareness. The ability to communicate effectively is a key transferable skill in the modern workplace, and improving your communicative ability in a new language can open up a broad range of global opportunities in your chosen field. All students, irrespective of their degree course, are welcome and encouraged to engage with the Language Centre, to understand how you can pick up a new language or build on your existing language skills, by participating in Language Centre courses or on-campus initiatives.
Contact a Language Support Officer
The Language Centre has full time staff available to assist learners with language learning enquiries and to help you develop as an independent learner with enhanced language skills and global perspectives.
Brenda Davis 028 9097 6166 |
Thomas Smith 028 9097 6137 |
Liang Wang 028 9097 6225 |
Poppy Boyd 028 9097 6244
Mark Harte 028 9097 6178 |
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Resource Room & Teaching Lab Location
The Language Centre Resource Room & Teaching Lab are located on the ground floor of the McClay Library, which is situated in College Park, at the top of Botanic Avenue.
- Address: The McClay Library, 10 College Park, Belfast, BT7 1LP
To chat with Language Centre staff please email language@qub.ac.uk , Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.