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SharePoint is a Microsoft product used to create websites and organisation Intranets. You can use it as a secure place to store, organize, share, and access information from any device. All you need is a web browser, such as Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox. 

SharePoint can be ‘On Premise’ where the product is hosted on servers maintained and managed by the organisation or ‘Online’ where the product is hosted on servers in the Cloud, and is maintained and managed by Microsoft.

In 2023, Queen's migrated all intranet sites from 'On-Premise' to SharePoint 'Online' meaning that all our sites now reside in the cloud.

Recommended for

  • Sharing documents across a wider audience within a Faculty, School or Directorate
  • As a Records Management System or permanent storage for a Faculty, School or Directorate
  • As the final repository for a project's documentation set when the project concludes in Teams

For further information on SharePoint click on 'More on SharePoint' at the top of the page or visit Microsoft's SharePoint support pages. Staff and students can access more help and request a new site on our SharePoint Online support pages on our Intranet.