Graduating soon? Remember, once you graduate, no refunds are available on your smartcard purses.

All staff and students are issued with a Smart Card at commencement of employment or registration. You are required to carry this with you at all times.
Staff: Please contact the HR Hub at for further information.
Students: Cards are issued at inital registration and students must bring their card to registration each year for validation.
Access to Buildings
This is mainly for out of hours access but also for high security areas. These include:
- The McClay Library
- The PEC (Queen's Sport)
- Other Buildings
- Library Services
- Book Borrowing
- Self issue of laptops
How do I use my Smart Card?
Visit Smart Card Services for a full definition of the services offered.
- The IT Service Desk or local staff if your problem is with a specific service.
- One Elmwood, Student Information Point, email to arrange a replacement smart card.
Last updated: April 2023