The International Certification of Digital Literacy (ICDL) is an internationally recognised qualification. Queen's University is an accredited ICDL test centre, operated by the IT Training and Assessment Unit, and offers ICDL and ICDL Advanced to current staff and students. Accreditation in the UK is by the British Computer Society.
ICDL Testing
ICDL consists of 7 modules (listed below). The ICDL syllabus for each module is available on our ICDL SharePoint site.
Module 1: IT Security for Users
Module 2: Computer Essentials /IT User Fundamentals
Module 3: Word Processing
Module 4: Spreadsheets
Module 5: Database
Module 6: Presentation
Module 7: Online Essentials / Using E-mail & the InternetFor more information on costs and on how to register and pay, visit our SharePoint site.
Testing is via software called Atlas Cloud using Office 2021 LTSC. Once registered with the British Computer Society you are given access to the Altas Cloud system with study materials and diagnostic testing with feedback, to help you prepare for the tests.
Test sessions are held during working hours; twice a month during semester and once a month during the summer months; in Training Room 2 (TR2), The McClay Library
- ICDL - Advice for Students
Preparing for ICDL: This is a self-study approach. Computer based training materials are available for each module and you get access to a diagnostic test to help you check your test preparedness for each module.
Test sessions: During test sessions, you may complete a test and/or a diagnostic test. Support is provided if necessary during diagnostic tests. Each test lasts 45 minutes.
Estimated hours of study: Total preparations and testing time for completion of ICDL is 140 hours for a complete beginner, however, the majority of candidates complete in less time. You will be asked to make a commitment to adequately prepare for each test.
Time to Complete ICDL: You have 3 years to complete the ICDL from the date of successfully completing your first test (and while still a student at Queen's).
Degree Plus: As a student at Queen's your ICDL accreditation will entitle you to the Degree Plus award (see
Postgraduate Research Students can record successful ICDL completion on their training and development record - please visit for more information.
- ICDL - Advice for Staff
Preparing for ICDL: A number of our training courses (Excel 1, Introduction to Database Part 1 and 2) map onto the curriculum. Once enrolled, materials will be made available via a SharePoint site and for each module you can request a diagnostic test to help you check your test preparedness.
Test sessions: During test sessions, you may complete a test and/or a diagnostic test. Support is provided if necessary during diagnostic tests. Each test lasts 45 minutes.
Estimated hours of study: Total preparations and testing time for completion of ICDL is 140 hours for a complete beginner, however, the majority of candidates complete in less time. You will be asked to make a commitment to adequately prepare for each test.
Time to Complete ICDL: You have 3 years to complete the ICDL from the date of successfully completing your first test.
For more information, including costs and how to register, visit our SharePoint site
- ICDL Advanced - for staff and students
There are 4 ICDL Advanced modules: Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Database and Presentations. A certificate is awarded on the successful completion of each module, although it is not necessary to complete all modules. To register your interest contact The ICDL syllabus for each module is available to download in a pdf file as follows
Module AM3: Word Processing syllabus
Module AM4: Spreadsheets syllabus
Module AM5: Database syllabus
Module AM6: PresentationsPreparing for ICDL Advanced: Once enrolled, materials will be made available via a SharePoint site. Staff and PGR students may enrol separately for the various advanced word processing, spreadsheet and PowerPoint courses (Database materials are available on request).
Estimated hours of study: is around 20 hours per module but that will depend on your existing knowledge of that module. You will be asked to make a commitment to adequately prepare for each test.
If you are working towards the Degree Plus Award, your ICDL accreditation will be formally recognised as one of your achievements.
Postgraduate Research Students can record successful ICDL completion on their training and development record - please visit please visit for more information.
Candidates who successfully complete all 4 modules can apply to the British Computer Society for Associate membership (with the entitlement of the post-nominals, AMBS). To find out about BCS membership details and benefits go to
Date Modified: 9 January 2023