Library Management Group
University Librarian: Jane O'Neill
Jane O'Neill is the University Librarian at Queen’s University Belfast. Jane has worked in Queen’s for 30 years, starting as a library assistant in the Main Library (now the Graduate School). Jane was the Library Systems Manager for 16 years and was heavily involved in the project to develop the McClay Library which opened in 2009, ensuring that all systems relevant to the operation of the Library were up and running.
Jane became the Medical and Healthcare Librarian in 2016 and managed the contracts to deliver library services to staff working in Health and Social Care and AFBI.
In January 2020, Jane took up post as University Librarian. As well as contributing to university committees, such as Education Committee, Academic Board and Research and Innovation Committee, Jane also contributes to many external advisory boards and committees including Research Libraries UK, SCONUL and the Board of the Consortium of National University Libraries in Ireland.
- Head of Digital, Content and Research Services: Dan Holden
Responsible for the Digital, Content and Research Services division that incorporates Bibliographic Services, Library Systems and the Open Research team.
- Head of Customer Experience and Partnerships: Philip Smith
Responsible for the customer experience within The McClay, Biomedical and Medical Libraries as well as The Healthcare Library of Northern Ireland and AFBI Library.
Library Leadership Team
Head of Special Collections and Archives: Deirdre Wildy
Special Collections & Archives provides access to books, maps, photographs and manuscripts from the twelfth century on, and the institutional archive of Queen's University Belfast. All items held are considered to be of lasting research value.
- Bibliographic Services Manager: Maire Bradley
Responsible for Acquisitions and Serials, Cataloguing, Electronic Resources, Scanned Readings and Open Access Monographs.
- Digital Services Manager: Johnny Shongo
Responsible for managing the development, implementation, and support of digital solutions, IT technologies, and applications to optimise services for the library.
- Medicine, Health & Life Sciences Faculty Librarian: Angela Thompson
Responsible for the subject support to the Schools in the Faculty of Medicine, Health & Life Sciences. The subject support services, delivered by a team of subject librarians, includes providing academic liaison, developing resources to support the curriculum, training and support for QUB staff & students, and HSC professionals.
Subject and Research Services Librarian: Isabel O'Kelly
Responsible for the Open Research team in the Library, which provides support and training on open access, research data management, e-theses and ORCID.Responsible for ensuring the delivery of subject support to the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.
- McClay Library Managers: Jacqueline McCurry, Sean Beattie
Responsible for the delivery of front of house, circulation, and enquiry services in the McClay Library. Library access, the study environment, and health and safety issues also fall within the remit of the team.