1.1 Introduction
The purpose of these Regulations is to enable users to make the fullest use of the University Library resources, buildings and services, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Library’. The Regulations apply to all libraries administered by the University Librarian and may be enforced by any member of the Library acting on behalf of the University Librarian.
In the Regulations, the word ‘book’ means any book, pamphlet, periodical, manuscript, map, microform or other material which forms part of the Library’s collections.
Customers of the Library are reminded that Library Regulations have the force of University Regulations for discipline. Any penalties imposed for breaching the Regulations fall within the framework of the University’s disciplinary system.
1.2 Access to the Library
Details of the opening hours of the Library are available from the Library website. Significant changes to this schedule will normally be agreed by the University Operating Board.
Details of who may use the Library appear in Library Regulations Schedule 1: Access to the Queen’s University Library, see regulation 1.6 below.
All persons entering the Library must show acceptable proof of identity on request.
Everyone in the Library must leave when requested to do so by Library staff.
1.3 Conduct in the Library
Any disorderly conduct in the Library, or any behaviour which unfairly inconveniences other users or causes damage or the risk of damage to books, furniture, equipment, or the fabric of the building, constitutes a breach of the Regulations.
Regulations for orderly conduct in the Library include the following:
- Use only the prescribed entrances and exits.
- Do not take bulky personal possessions (suitcases, etc.) into the Library.
- Study areas in the Library may be designated as silent, quiet, or available for group work. Out of consideration for others, users must maintain good order and observe the rule relating to noise applying to each area.
- Switch mobile phones to silent on entering the Library and only use them in areas designated for this purpose.
- Do not consume food in the Library except in areas designated for this purpose e.g. McClay Library Student Lounge etc
- Do not damage or deface any Library book or other Library property.
- All users are required to confirm their library membership credentials if asked to do so.
- Show your books, bags, etc., to a member of Library staff when leaving the Library, if asked to do so.
- A user vacating his or her place will be deemed to have left the Library. His or her books and papers may be cleared, and the place taken by another user, unless a note of the time of leaving is left on the table. The place may then be reserved for up to thirty minutes.
1.4 Borrowing
Detailed borrowing regulations for different categories of user and materials appear in Library Regulations Schedule 2: Borrowing from the Queen’s University Library, see regulation 1.7 below.
Books must not be removed from the Library unless they have been borrowed in accordance with the Regulations.
Notices sent from the Library within the University are normally sent by electronic mail or SMS. Email notices to University staff and students are sent to the relevant Queen’s email address.
Users who lose or deface a book belonging to the Library will be required to pay a sum of money to enable the purchase of a replacement copy (or replacement set).
1.5 Other services and resources
The use of computing facilities in the Library is governed by the University’s Information Security Policy and associated regulations. Where information is made available in electronic form, users must observe all conditions of use imposed by vendors as part of the licensing or sale of their products.
All users of Library materials, whether in Library buildings or elsewhere, are personally responsible for ensuring that they observe the requirements of the copyright legislation currently in force in the United Kingdom; failure to do so will be regarded as a serious breach of University discipline in addition to any liability incurred under the law. Whether in Library buildings or elsewhere, members of the University copying Library books under the terms of any licensing scheme currently in force within the University are personally responsible for ensuring strict adherence to the rules of any such scheme, and any breach of these rules will be regarded as a serious breach of University discipline.
1.6 Library Regulations Schedule One: Access to the Queen’s University Library
The following may use the Library as registered users:
- Enrolled undergraduate students and postgraduate students pursuing a taught course of the University;
- Enrolled research students of the University;
- Members and retired members of the academic, academic related, clerical and technical staff of the University, honorary graduates and honorary title-holders;
- Members of the Senate and of the governing bodies of institutions associated with the University, during their term of office;
- Recognised Teachers of the University, Research Assistants and Supervisors, and Teaching Assistants in accordance with the agreed criteria;
- Associate Members paying an annual subscription;
- Those who are covered by the SCONUL Access Scheme;
- Those who are covered by the ALCID Access Scheme;
- Those who are covered by a special agreement with the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI);
- Those who are covered by a special agreement with the Department of Health.
Undergraduates and taught postgraduates from Higher Education Institutions that are members of SCONUL can apply for access to the Library during vacation. They will need their current student card as proof of identity. The vacation access scheme does not include borrowing privileges or access to electronic information sources. However, it will allow reference access to the main printed collections.
The Library may permit visits from members of the public, who cannot otherwise obtain access to books they need, to consult printed materials held at Queen’s. Visitors will need to bring proof of identity and register their details with the Library. Visitors should note that some of Queen’s collections are restricted to members of Queen’s University, and that access to electronic information sources is not normally permitted.
1.7 Library Regulations Schedule Two: Borrowing from the Queen’s University Library
Books in ordinary open-access collections are available for use within the Library without formality, and may be borrowed on the conditions set out below. The following categories of material are not normally available for use outside the Library:
- Designated works of reference;
- New books on display;
- Books and other materials held in the Library Special Collections;
- All periodicals;
- Law reports and legislation; and
- Printed theses.
1. Any book borrowed from the Library shall be subject to recall if it is in demand or for other good cause.
2. The loan period varies according to the category of user. Library books may be kept:
i. For four weeks by students of the University, Recognised Teachers, Research Assistants and Supervisors, Teaching Assistants, Associate Members and users covered by the SCONUL Access Schemes and the contract with the Department of Health;
ii. For twelve weeks by the University’s staff (academic, academic-related, clerical and technical), Honorary Associate and other Honorary title-holders. This provision also applies to specified AFBI staff and members of Senate and the governing bodies of the University Colleges while they are in office.
3. The number of books on loan at any one time should not exceed:
i. Four for Open Learning Students
ii. Ten for SCONUL Access borrowers, and Associate Members
iii. Fifteen for enrolled undergraduate students of the University (exclusive of short loan), Recognised Teachers, Research Assistants and Supervisors, Teaching Assistants, Associate Members who pay the professional subscription and users covered by the contract with the Department of Health,
iv. Twenty-five for enrolled taught postgraduate students of the University (exclusive of short loan)
v. Thirty for the University’s research students, staff (academic, academic-related, clerical and technical), Honorary Associate Members and other Honorary title-holders. This provision also applies to specified AFBI staff and members of Senate and the governing bodies of the University Colleges while they are in office.
When a user reaches the specified maximum no more books may be borrowed until one or more books have been returned.
4. Standard loan books will be automatically renewed 3 times subsequent to the original loan period, unless they have been requested by another user or your library membership is due to end (e.g. because you have graduated). Books will automatically be renewed the day before they are due.
5. All standard loan books are subject to recall.
6. Short loan books borrowed from the Library must be returned by the due date. At the discretion of Library management, short loan books may be issued to students for longer than the standard period to avoid them falling due during the vacations.
7. A borrower, on receiving notice that a book on loan to him/her is required by another user, must return that book to the Library by the date stipulated in the notice. A book will be deemed to be overdue if kept beyond this date.
8. Failure to return a book promptly at the end of loan period or if it is recalled may result in the borrower being charged for a replacement.
9. A book will be considered to be in demand if required by more than one user at any one time and will be available for loan for one week only.
10. Books with substantial waiting-lists may, at the discretion of the Director or nominee, be made available only on the conditions governing the use of restricted loan collections.
Closed Access Collections
- Books in restricted loan collections at issue-desks or other service-points will be available, according to category of material, either for use within the Library only, or for short loan according to conditions as stated at the service-point.
- Access to and use of the books in Special Collections will be at the discretion of the Director or nominee.
- Access to and use of material deposited in the University Archive under the custody of the University Librarian will be at the discretion of the University Librarian or nominee.
Restricted Circulation
- The University Librarian or nominee may if required:
(a) Transfer any book from open-access to closed-access or restricted circulation; and
(b) Restrict any book to use within the Library only.