Your feedback helps us to improve Library spaces, services, resources and support for our university community.
At The Library at Queen's we are dedicated to delivering an exceptional experience for our students, staff, and visitors.
We continuously enhance our services based on feedback gathered through surveys, emails, social media, Library whiteboards, and direct conversations with our staff. Your feedback, in any form, is invaluable in helping us improve our services, spaces, support, and resources.
Do you have feedback? Please get in touch by speaking to a member of Library staff in any of our libraries, visiting the Customer Services Feedback on the Contact Us page or emailing
Changes we've made
You said you wanted a more streamlined, user-friendly Library Search.
We simplified, re-ordered and renamed search filters to make these clearer and easier to navigate. We also added an ISBN search option in Advanced Search.
- You said you really like the trees in The McClay Library Atrium, but wanted more greenery.
We placed new plants on all Service Desks throughout The Library and in the Wellbeing Area on Floor 3. We will endeavour to keep them happy and healthy.
- You said you wanted the Subject (Upper) Floors in the McClay Library to stay open after 10pm.
We changed the time so the upper floors now close at 2am.
- You said you wanted individual study spaces which you could book in The McClay Library.
We opened a study room with 7 bookable desks.
- You said you wanted to connect your laptop to a monitor, keyboard and mouse.
We provided a number of docking stations in The McClay and Medical Libraries.
You said you wanted more wellbeing support in The Library.
The SOS bus in The McClay Library every Tuesday evening provides tea and buns and a listening ear.
- You said you wanted a one-stop-shop for Digital Research Services.
We created a Digital Research Toolbox.
Changes we're working on
You said you wanted more quiet study spaces.
We are trialling 2 study pods in the Short Loan area of The McClay Library.
- You said you wanted access to fresh drinking water in The McClay Library.
We are trialling temporary water fountains on Floors 2 and 3 of The McClay Library.