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Vacation Student Registration Form

If you are currently registered as a Higher/Further Education student, you may apply for reference access to the McClay Library during our Vacation by completing the form below.

We will send you your Vacation Pass as an attachment to your student email address. Please allow 5 working days for your application to be processed.

On your first visit you will need to have your Vacation Pass validated at the Reception Desk.

Please bring:

  1. A paper copy of your Vacation Pass
  2. Identification showing your name and address
  3. Your student card

Wi Fi access is available via Eduroam and The Cloud. You should configure and test your Eduroam connection before visiting Queen's.

Vacation Dates see:
Opening hours see:

* indicates mandatory field

Vacation Address

Please select one vacation period:*Summer 2024 (03/06/2024 - 15/09/2024)

Please check that you have completed all fields before submitting your application.