The institutional archive of Queen's University Belfast comprises records pertaining to the history and development of Queen’s from its foundation as a Queen’s College in 1845 through to its establishment as an independent university in 1908 to the present day. The record series include a number of broad areas:
Life of a University | Administration of the University | Records from Student Organisations |
Minutes of Senate, minutes of the Academic Council, faculty and departmental records, University Calendars, student registers, roll books and examination papers | Minutes and papers dealing with the management of the University Estate, records reflecting the work of the Library | Publications produced by student societies, collections of papers deposited by former members of staff. |
Catalogued records from the University Archive
The catalogue is structured to reflect the work of Queen's College Belfast, the Queen's University of Ireland, the Royal University of Ireland and the Queen's University of Belfast. Cataloguing of the Queen's University Archive collection is ongoing and further descriptions of records in the collection will become available on a regular basis. digitised copy of the Book of Remembrance.
The Book of Remembrance is an illuminated bound volume in manuscript which records the names of the members of Queen's University and its Officers' Training Corps and Air Squadron who died on active service during World War One and World War Two. Please contact us for further information on accessing this resource.
Queen's Book of RemembranceAn exhibition examining the impact of World War One on Queen's University.
World War One had a significant and long-lasting impact on the University. Many staff, students and the local community joined the University's Officer Training Corps and fought in the war. This exhibition offers an insight into those times and provides access to research resources.
Queen's and World War One
147 Student Society photographs available online.
The photographs range in date from the early 1900s to the early 1980s and include the names of those photographed. Many societies are represented including: football, athletics, cricket, golf, gymnastics, swimming, hockey and the Student's Union.
Student Society Photographs Online