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E-Resources off-campus


Current staff and students of Queen's University Belfast can access most e-resources off campus (from home).

When you are accessing e-resources off campus you will need to use your University login, this is the same username and password you use to access your QUB email account and Queen's Online.


You should use QUB Library as a starting point and use the following services to search:

Library Search for e-books, e-journals, full text articles, and online databases, e.g. JSTOR, Lexis, Scopus, Web of Knowledge etc.

Journal Search for both print and ejournals.

Databases A-Z for online databases.

Google Scholar for full text articles. How to set up QUB links in Google Scholar from home.

You can install QUB Library Proxy (EZproxy bookmarklet) in your browser if you are accessing e-resources directly on a publisher's site off campus.


If you have any queries about accessing QUB Library's e-resources, please see our E-resources guide

If you have questions about which resources Queen's University subscribes to, please contact your Subject Librarian.

If you would like to see information about resources relevant to your area of study please select the appropriate subject from SUBJECT GUIDES

If you are experiencing a problem, please provide details in call to Request IT Support.