Queen's libraries include the McClay Library, the Medical Library and the Biomedical Library. Study spaces in each are designed to suit the way you want to work.
Facilities include
- PC Workstations
- Individual study booths and tables
- Group study rooms
- Silent and whisper zones (McClay and Medical Library), whisper zones (Biomedical Library)
- Relaxed study space where conversation is allowed/ encouraged (Medical Library - Fry Room)
Planning to Study in the McClay Library?

Everyone should have a positive experience using the library. Please show respect for other users.
R Reserving seats: you can leave your desk for up to thirty minutes
E Eat only in designated areas
S Silence in silent study areas
P Please only whisper in the whisper zones
E Everyone deserves the right to a positive working environment
C Comments and feedback welcome
T Tidy up before you leave