We have rooms dedicated to the provision of a safe and stimulating environment, which ensures our children feel secure, valued and included. Our staff will support your child's learning by developing loving and secure relationships whilst encouraging them to use their skills to explore the world around them.
For our younger children, we have a calm room for sleeping, which is separate from the playroom, where each child has their own cot and bedding. This room is supervised by our staff team and supported by a sound monitor linked to the main playroom.
Our staff team acknowledge your child may be joining us having already established a home routine. We will strive to accommodate each child’s individual needs, and we will work to foster positive relationships with parents to ensure a smooth transition from home to nursery life by offering a “Settling in Programme” which can be viewed in our Policies section.
Play is an important way for your child to learn. Through play, children learn about themselves and their place in the world. Carefully planned play opportunities are built into our daily routines and allow children to develop their social and language skills whilst expanding their physical and creative development. Our programmes provide opportunities for both indoor and outdoor learning and include: singing songs, shape sorting, looking at books, musical activities including using instruments, painting, heuristic play, block play, water play, and rhyme time to name but a few.
When your child is ready for weaning, we will work closely with you regarding your chosen method – conventional or baby-led weaning. We are happy to discuss your child’s dietary requirements. Our meals can be prepared to the required consistency of purees or mashed foods for conventional weaning or chopped foods for the Baby Led Weaning programme.
Our staff team recognise children develop rapidly during the early years - physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially and, therefore, will provide your child with a range of age-appropriate play-based experiences that support and extend knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence.
To prepare quality play and learning experiences, our staff need to observe the children playing. Programmes and records are updated and maintained on a regular basis. The information gained from these processes allows staff to take into account the needs of individual children, offer both support and challenges and provide for progression in play activities. All information is recorded, along with photographs and examples of the children’s participation in activities via our Nursery Management software, which parents are able to access upon registration. This gives parents an insight into their child’s progress and learning and is given to parents at the end of the academic year.
We understand some children attending our facilities may not speak English as a first language; please view the 'About Us' section for information on how we support children who are learning English.