We have play rooms that are fully equipped with age appropriate resources that provide for a stimulating and nurturing environment which ensures our children feel secure, valued and included.
By the time your child joins our Pre-School groups, they will have already had a variety of experiences either from home or from previously attending other groups within Childcare Services. In order to build upon the learning that has already taken place, our staff will provide your child with a rich variety of challenging play activities in a stimulating environment. Our focus is to allow your child to learn at their own pace, gain a positive image of themselves as learners, devise strategies to deal with change and learn through trial and error.
Most children come to our Pre-School groups as active, experienced and enthusiastic learners. They are interested in themselves and their environment and like to explore, investigate and be creative. Your child may choose to work in groups, sometimes showing signs of leadership, but other times may choose to play alone. Your child will also be developing concentration and a range of skills, such as observing decision-making and problem-solving and further enhancing their own learning. They will demonstrate an enjoyment of stories, rhymes and music.
In order to foster the development of all these characteristics, we will provide your child with a stimulating environment where they can feel happy and secure. We will provide opportunities to investigate the environment inside and outside the playroom, extending their sense of wonder, allowing them to experience success and help them to develop a positive attitude towards learning.
Our play programmes provide equality of opportunity, prompting the children’s physical, social, emotional, creative and intellectual development. They are planned, purposeful and flexible, allowing children to follow their own interests and develop at their own pace. Our staff team ensure the programmes motivate, challenge and stimulate the children by building on their natural curiosity and desire to experiment.
In order to plan, prepare and organise quality play and learning experiences, our staff need to observe the children at play, review and evaluate the play programmes regularly and maintain appropriate records. The information gained from these processes allows staff to take into account the needs of individual children, offer both support and challenges and provide for progression in learning activities. All information recorded, along with photographs and examples of the children’s participation in activities via our Nursery Management software, which parents are able to access upon registration. This gives parents an insight into their child’s progress and learning and is given to parents at the end of the academic year.
We understand some children attending our facilities may not speak English as a first language; please view the 'About Us' section for information on how we support children who are learning English.