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Staff & Providers: Activity Approval Process

Calling all Activity Providers!

If you offer an activity to Queen’s students which you would like to be Future-Ready Award accredited we would love to hear from you!

We have extracurricular activities offered by Employers, Community & Voluntary groups, Queen's staff and Students' Union, Professional Bodies and other organisations. 

student sitting talking to university staff
Get in Touch

If you wish to be a Future-Ready Award Activity Provider please e-mail us at to request an application form.*

Once completed please return the application form via email. 

We will review your application including checking that it develops student’s Future-Ready Skills, and will let you know the outcome. The Review Panel meets on a monthly basis.

These skills have been identified through consultations with employers by both Queen's Careers, Employability & Skills service and wider national surveys of employers (e.g. Association of Graduate Recruiters). 

*If you are from an external organisation offering volunteering opportunities, before applying please register to become a partner organisation with QUB SU Volunteer and complete their vetting process.

For more information, please visit the SU Volunteer Website.

students sitting chatting on staircase
Important Dates for Activity Providers to Note

The deadline for activity providers to submit student names for Single Route activities are:

01 November for the Winter Graduations

01 May for the Summer Graduations

The student application deadlines for the Combined Route and Work Experience Route are:

01 November for the Winter Graduations

01 March for the Summer Graduations

Students may request evidence of activity completion from you to include in their applications.

These deadline dates remain the same for each academic year.


Future-Ready Award
Activity Search Tool