School of Nursing and Midwifery - Student Well-Being Ambassadors (WBA)
Activity Overview
Level of StudyUndergraduate, Postgraduate Taught/Masters, Postgraduate Research
Award TypeSingle Route, Combined Route
In the School of Nursing and Midwifery in 2021, the Student Well-Being Ambassadors (WBA) group was established (to aid connections and well-being in student nurses and midwives). Membership of the group is for student nurses/ midwives or staff member) in the School who has an interest in improving student nurse/ midwife well-being with over 50 current student members. Members meet every 6 weeks to plan activities to promote well-being in this population, as well raise awareness of other well-being activities in QUB. All activities are in keeping with the Public Health Agency Take 5 Steps to Well-Being. Events include a learn CPR event, Marathon relay, monthly walking group, 24- hour walk for B positive charity, bucket collection for AWARE, tea and talk events, amongst much more. All events are student-led with staff support.
Students who complete 30+ hours including the written reflection will be eligible for Single Route accreditation. Students who do not meet these requirements can use this as one of their activities when making a Combined Route application.
Further Information
The contact for student student enquiries is