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Translator and interpreter educator and industry leader development scheme

Activity Overview

Level of Study

Postgraduate Research

Award Type

Single Route

Participants of this development scheme organised by the Centre for Translation and Interpreting (CTI) will have a chance to take on a variety of activities to develop core competences and skills required for a lectureship and for a leading role in the language services industry. The participants will

· design and gain hands-on experience relevant to the translation and interpreting (T&I) industry;

· work in teams to curate articles, blogs, videos and other forms of content for topic-specific columns by leading teams to translate, trans-edit, or trans-create content from English into other languages;

· develop skills and professional (and personal) connections by organising and participating in training sessions, team-building events, and networking opportunities;

· develop teaching competences by designing and delivering developmental activities, and observing, reflecting on, and improving teaching practices and learning outcomes via the iterative design process;

· develop research competences by taking part in regular group discussion on the educational and T&I literature and how they inform the design of the developmental activities, and to, in turn, conduct research on one’s own teaching design, practices, and outcomes;

· nurture entrepreneurship by steering the evolvement of CTI Platform, designing new developmental and social activities for members, and regularly reflecting on and setting new goals for personal and collective progress;

· promote CTI and develop personal brands by creating quality content (via translation or copywriting) on CTI’s Information Hub (known as CTI Platform) and social media platforms.

Further Information

The contact for student enquiries is