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Postgraduate Admissions Policy

Queen’s University Belfast is committed to providing a professional admissions service. The Postgraduate Admissions Policy and accompanying procedures are transparent, fair and consistently applied which ensures that prospective students understand how the admissions process works and applications are processed in a timely manner.

The Policy applies to the admission of postgraduate (research and taught) students to Queen’s University Belfast. It provides information on procedures and related matters together with details of the responsibilities of those involved in the process. The Policy is kept under review and is updated periodically to reflect progress in achieving the aims of Stategy 2023.

The Postgraduate Admissions Policy complies with relevant legislation affecting the admission of students and meets the expectation of the QAA UK Quality Code for Higher Education The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (

Postgraduate Admissions Policy 2021/2022

Postgraduate Admissions Policy 2022/2023

Postgraduate Admissions Policy 2023/2024

Postgraduate Admissions Policy 2024/2025

Postgraduate Admissions Policy 2025/2026