Handy hints
What is DSA? |
DSA stands for ‘Disabled Students Allowance’ and is the support you will receive if you have applied for funded assistance through DSA. |
Section 5 |
I need to get Section 5 of my DSA application stamped by the University to confirm my course details |
Send an electronic copy of your form to Student Records at transcripts@qub.ac.uk or speak with the staff at the Information Desk, Level 1, One Elmwood Student Centre. |
Registration |
How can I check my registration status? |
Contact the Student Help Line at reghelp@qub.ac.uk |
Progress |
How do I check the progress of my DSA application? |
Regularly check your email account for messages from the Education Authority (EA) / Student Finance (SFNI) about your DSA application and open them as soon as possible. Messages from the EA (the body that administers the DSA award) are sent using Barracuda encryption and for data protection purposes, disappear from your account after 30 days if unopened. If you think you have missed a message from the EA, contact the EA directly and it will be resent to you. When you access a message for the first time, you will be prompted to create login details. Keep a note of these as they will be needed to access other communications from the EA. |
SFNI login |
How do I update my SFNI / DSA login details? |
As students tend to access their Queen’s student email accounts more than their personal ones, you can update your SFNI DSA login details so that messages from the EA about your DSA award are sent to your Queen’s email address instead. To do this, either contact your DSA Officer at the EA directly or log in to your online account at www.studentfinanceni.co.uk and edit your contact details. |
Appointment |
How do I make an appointment for a needs assessment? |
You will be contacted directly by the Needs Assessment Centre at Queen’s (nac@qub.ac.uk). When you receive confirmation of your eligibility for a needs assessment from the EA (referred to as a DSA1 letter), the Needs Assessment Centre will send you a Welcome email and a Pre-Assessment Questionnaire from a system called Cudos (so look out for this name / double-check your Junk folder in case the email is sent there in error) and complete the questionnaire as soon as possible. Only when you have completed the Pre-Assessment Questionnaire will the Needs Assessment Centre be able to offer you an appointment. |
Questionnaire |
Why do I have to complete another questionnaire? |
One questionnaire is in preparation for your appointment with your Disability Officer to register with the Service and arrange your in-course supports. The other Pre-Assessment Questionnaire is to provide your DSA needs assessor with important information about your condition/s, course and academic support requirements for your funded supports. |
Updates |
I haven’t heard anything more about my DSA application / equipment / one-to-one support |
Contact your local Student Finance NI for a progress update. To find an email / contact number for your local Student Finance NI office, enter your post code at: www.studentfinanceni.co.uk/find-your-local-office/ |
DSA Officer |
I don’t know who my DSA Officer is |
Check your needs assessment approval letter (known as a DSA1) or find your local Student Finance NI office using your post code at: www.studentfinanceni.co.uk/find-your-local-office/ DSA Officer details may also be found in the ‘Bridging the Gap’ DSA guidance at: www.studentfinanceni.co.uk/media/1713/sfni_dsa_guide_2425_o.pdf |
Response |
I have ‘phoned the Needs Assessment Centre but can’t get a reply |
Either leave a voicemail message on 028 90 975062 or email the Needs Assessment Centre at nac@qub.ac.uk and someone will come back to you as soon as possible. |
Changes |
How can I make amendments to my funded support package? |
Arrange for a review appointment by contacting the Needs Assessment Centre at nac@qub.ac.uk / 028 90 975062. |
Ordering |
How do I order my equipment / software? |
Refer back to the support confirmation letter (known as a DSA2 letter) sent to you by your funder, follow the instructions and order directly from the quoted supplier. Because of possible changes in prices, it is important to place your equipment order promptly, within 3 months of the date given on the DSA2 letter. |
Equipment / software |
When will my equipment / software arrive? |
See above. If you have already placed your order, contact the supplier directly for an update. |
Training |
I don’t know how to use my software |
Refer back to your DSA2 letter (see above). If you have been approved for funding for training, you should arrange your training directly with the training company cited on the letter. As with equipment orders, because of possible price changes, it important to arrange this promptly, within 3 months of the date given on the DSA2 letter. |
Refresher |
I’ve forgotten how to use my software and need a ‘refresher’ |
Although you cannot unfortunately get top-up training through DSA, contact the Needs Assessment Centre at nac@qub.ac.uk / 028 90 975062 and you will be sent useful links to YouTube demonstration clips etc. |
Travel |
I need to get reimbursed for the cost of my travel expenses – how do I do this? |
Submit your receipts to the Education Authority using the EA’s General Allowance Claim Form. You should have received a copy of this form from the EA but if you cannot locate it, contact your DSA Officer or the Needs Assessment Centre at nac@qub.ac.uk to request one. Please remember that failure to submit receipts may result in an overpayment situation or future payments being withheld. |
Faulty equipment |
My laptop isn’t working – who do I contact? |
Refer back to the support confirmation letter sent to you by your funder (known as a DSA2 letter), contact the supplier detailed, let them know about the issues and the company will arrange for your laptop to be repaired. |
Lost, stolen or damaged equipment |
My equipment has been lost / stolen / damaged – what so I do? |
Unfortunately DSA funding cannot be used to cover the cost of replacement equipment in these situations so contact your Disability Officer at accessiblelearning@qub.ac.uk to discuss what alternative support solutions may be available to you. |
One-to-one support |
When am I getting my Note Taker, Tutor, Proof Reader etc? |
Contact the Register of Support Providers at nmhregister@qub.ac.uk / 028 90973610 for an update. |
Additional hours |
I need more one-to-one support hours with my Tutor, Proof Reader etc |
Contact the Needs Assessment Centre at nac@qub.ac.uk / 028 90 975062 to make a case for additional support hours. |
Summer support UGs |
I have extensions / resits and want to continue with my one-to-one support over the summer |
Get in touch with the Needs Assessment Centre at nac@qub.ac.uk / 028 90 975062 with details of why you need to access your one-to-one support during the summer months. |
Someone else |
I would like to work with a different one-to-one Support Provider |
Contact the Register of Support Providers at nmhregister@qub.ac.uk / 028 90973610 to request to be matched with someone new. |
Contact |
My Support Provider has not been in touch with me |
Advise the Register of Support Providers at nmhregister@qub.ac.uk / 028 90973610. |
No support |
I have not yet been matched with anyone this year |
Alert the Register of Support Providers at nmhregister@qub.ac.uk / 028 90973610. |
Notes |
My notes are being returned too late / are not up to scratch |
Speak to your Note Taker and alert them to the issues. If the problems persist or you are uncomfortable approaching your Note Taker, contact the Register of Support Providers at notetaker@qub.ac.uk / 028 90971404 to request to be matched with someone new. |
Availability |
My Tutor can’t see me when I need to see them |
Advise the Register of Support Providers at nmhregister@qub.ac.uk / 028 90973610 and you will be matched with a new Tutor. |
In-person |
My Tutor only provides remote support and will not meet with me in person |
Contact the Register of Support Providers at nmhregister@qub.ac.uk / 028 90973610 and you will be matched with a Tutor who is able to meet with you on a face-to-face basis |
Cancelling |
I no longer want my one-to-one support |
Advise the Register of Support Providers at nmhregister@qub.ac.uk / 028 90973610 that you want to cancel your support. |
Change in attendance |
I am returning to my studies but have changed my mode of study (from full-time to part-time or vice versa) and I want to access my one-to-one support again |
You will need to reapply for DSA funding for your one-to-one support before it may be put back in place for you. For the SFNI Form Finder facility, please see the SFNI web site at: www.studentfinanceni.co.uk/types-of-finance/undergraduate/full-time/northern-ireland-student/extra-help/disabled-students-allowance/applying/ Click on Form Finder, choose the relevant year, go to the relevant forms and choose the ‘Disability forms’ tab. Choose from:
Complete / return to the Education Authority (EA) as directed. You will then be contacted by the Needs Assessment Centre (nac@qub.ac.uk) and asked to make an appointment for a review of your support requirements. |
Returning from placement |
I’ve come back from a year out on placement and want to access my one-to-one support again |
As long as you are re-applying for student finance, you do not have any form filling to complete. However, if you have only been accessing the DSA award, the Education Authority will send you a DSA Only Returners application form. Please complete this and return to the Education Authority as soon as possible. As soon as the Register of Support Providers receives confirmation of your application from the Education Authority, your support will be reinstated. If you do not want to wait for the Education Authority to send you the DSA Only Returners form, the EA will also accept the DSA1 FULL (see above). |
Returning from a break in study or leave of absence |
After taking some time out, I am returning to study and want to access my one-to-one support |
As above – if you are applying for student finance, you do not need to complete any forms and your one-to-one support will be reinstated. If you are not applying for a student loan, then complete the DSA Only Returners form (sent to you by the EA) or the DSA1 FULL. If, however, your break has been over one year, you will need a review of your support requirements before you may resume your one-to-one support. |
Repeating |
I am repeating modules (either at the same level of study or carrying some from the previous level) and would like to continue with my one-to-one support |
See above. All your one-to-one supports will be reinstated except for Note Taker support as students repeating modules should have the notes for those modules from the previous year. |
Exam Only |
I am returning on an exam-only basis to complete resits and may need one-to-one support to help me prepare |
Unfortunately, students registered on an ‘exam-only’ basis are not eligible for one-to-one support through DSA but please remember to let the Education Authority know of your change in status. If you normally access one-to-one exam support, make an appointment for a chat with your Disability Officer at accessiblelearning@qub.ac.uk as you may still be able to access this assistance through the Student Support Fund (SSF). |
Course Change |
I have changed from my original course to a different course |
Complete a new DSA application (see ‘Change in attendance’ above, i.e., either a DSASL or DSA1 FULL) and contact the Needs Assessment Centre at nac@qub.ac.uk / 028 90 975062 to arrange for a review appointment. |
Returning as a Postgraduate |
I am returning as a PG student and want to reinstate my one-to-one support |
Complete a new DSA application (see ‘Change in attendance’ above, i.e., either a DSASL or DSA1 FULL) and contact the Needs Assessment Centre at nac@qub.ac.uk / 028 90 975062 to arrange for a review appointment. |
Insurance / warranty |
I am coming back as a PG and need to extend the insurance / warranty cover on my equipment |
You should have sufficient equipment cover for the duration of your course. If you received equipment through DSA previously and need to extend this to cover the duration of your new course, contact the Needs Assessment Centre at nac@qub.ac.uk / 028 90 975062 to arrange for a review appointment and this will be done for you. Alternatively, contact the original supplier and arrange with them to extend your insurance / warranties. Remember to retain your proof of purchase and use the receipt to get a refund from the Education Authority using the General Allowance Claim Form (see above Travel section). |
Become |
I would like to be a Support Provider |
If you are a PG student and would like to earn money outside of QWork by providing support to disabled students, please see our web site for the various role descriptors, rates of pay and Expression of Interest form (applications from STEM subject Note Takers particularly welcome): https://www.qub.ac.uk/directorates/sgc/accessible-learning-support/SupportProviders/BecomeaSupportProvider/ |