Support Providers

Queen’s is committed to maximising the learning experience for all of its students, including those with disabilities. The University aims to widen participation and learning opportunities for disabled students by matching students with suitably qualified and experienced individuals (Support Providers) to assist with specific academic challenges.
Although recruited by The Register of Support Providers at Queen's University, Support Providers are self-employed in that they work on a freelance basis. They do not become employees of the University. For further information on working as a self-employed freelancer, please see
Supporting Students
As the service is very much a student-focused one, students are matched with Support Providers based on the Support Provider’s qualification, skills, experience and availability.
Because students may use their one-to-one support when they wish, support provision work requires a lot of flexibility. As the Register is therefore unable to provide any guarantees of work, it may not be a viable option for those looking for a steady, regular income throughout the year. Equally, Support Providers are under no obligation to accept any of the support work offered to them by The Register of Support Providers at Queen's University and they are free to leave the Register at any time, either on a temporary basis or permanently.
Payment of Support Providers
The majority of students who access The Register of Support Providers at Queen's University receive funding for their one-to-one support through their Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) administered for Northern Irish students by the Education Authority (EA). As such, Support Providers are paid in full directly by the EA via BACS (Banks Automated Clearing System). For tax return purposes, it is therefore essential that Support Providers keep accurate records of the payments they receive.
Further Queries
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Contact Details:
The Register of Support Providers at Queen’s University
Accessible Learning Support
One Elmwood Student Centre
77 University Road
Tel: 028 9097 3610 / 028 9097 2727
Email: [Support Queries] [Timesheet & Payment Queries]
All one-to-one support is arranged for students by Disability Services through The Register of Support Providers at Queen's University.
The Register of Support Providers at Queen's University enlists skilled and experienced Support Providers from a variety of backgrounds for a range of posts - please see below.
Support Provider Roles
- Academic Mental Health Tutor
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder Tutor
- Dyslexia Tutor
- Foreign Language Tutor
- IT Tutor
- Mathematics & Statistics Tutor
- Study Skills Tutor
- Audio Typist / Typist / Exam Scribe Audio Typist
- Campus Assistant (General & Specialist)
- Electronic Note Taker
- Exam Prompter
- Exam Scribe
- Library Assistant
- Note Taker
- Proof Reader
- Reader / Exam Reader