Get involved
We offer a range of opportunities available to employers, any digital communication opportunities are offered at the discretion of the Employer Engagement Team.
Priority will be given to key accounts who are continuously recruiting large numbers of graduate and placement students.

We have a range of opportunities available to employers to help better engage with our student audience on social media.
These include:
- Targeted emails
- Social media takeovers
- LinkedIn articles
- Advice Blogs

Ensure maximum exposure to relevant student groups by sending targeted emails through MyFuture.
You can target students by year and School to increase applications for current roles or to boost attendance at your campus event.
Targeted emails cost £60+vat per School per year group.
Employers are permitted to send up to two emails to the same group of students, each semester.
Social Media Takeovers
Please note, due to interest in this service and our commitment not to over message to students, we have reserved social media channel takeovers for sponsors, key employers recruiting multiple students directly and other University partners as advised by Alumni and Relations office
Request an Instagram Takeover
Offer our students an insight into your company
We're offering our employer partners the opportunity to engage with our students on social media via Instagram takeovers on our @QUBCAREERS handle.
You can submit up to three posts comprising a video, or a blog or a profile piece on an employee or student recruit.
The aim is to offer our students an insight into your company and the working culture and to inspire them to achieve career success through useful, engaging and entertaining content.
We offer takeovers Tuesday-Thursday at the discretion of our social media team, with dates available inside and outside the academic year. Please note, during particularly busy times, we may not be able to accommodate your request for a social media takeover. We will require the content at least one week before your agreed takeover date.
This video is an example from one of our Instagram Takeovers, featuring Queen’s Accountancy alumnus Jack Rice who took part in the Discover EY Insight Programme as a first year Accountancy student.
Please read our Instagram Takeover Terms and Conditions before submitting your request.

Driving the conversation around graduate recruitment
As the central connection point between Queen’s students and our employer partners, we are focussed on driving the conversation around graduate recruitment. We welcome thought leadership articles from our employer partners to post on our QUB Careers LinkedIn channel.
We welcome articles around graduate recruitment and training, internships, placements, working culture, industry trends, tech advances, career challenges and rewards and industry insights.
We can offer copywriting support to shape the article if you provide a synopsis and a list of bullet points of key points.

Have an idea for a blog or opinion piece?
We welcome advice-led blog and opinion pieces from our employer partners around topics related to interviews, CVs, applications, assessment centres, career planning and career development tips.

In order to maintain governance over what is posted on our @QUBCareers Instagram, we will ask you to send content to our Marketing team ahead of your specified takeover day. You will be permitted three posts on your allocated day. We ask that content supplied is varied, comprising:
• A video
This should be someone from the organisation talking directly to camera. Example topics could be how you got the job, the recruitment process, the first day, the best bit about the roles etc. If you film it all in one take, we can edit accordingly in-house. Similarly, if there is more than one point of view, you can send a selection of videos and we can package together. Video length should be 60 minutes – three minutes max. Alternatively, for Instagram stories, we require 4 x 15 second vertical videos.
• A blog post
A short blog on a pre-agreed topic i.e what it's like to work at your organisation as a graduate, company culture, industry insights, advice on graduate recruitment etc. The blog can be supplied in bullet point on WORD - please attached jpegs that illustrate what is being discussed. Blog content submitted will be posted on our QUB Careers blog. Alternatively, you can supply a link to content from your own blog that we can repurpose for our own blog site.
• Profiles
Profile pictures of staff, relevant QUB alumni, graduate hires with a short bio - name, age, course, graduation date, current role and fun facts.
Please send your content to putting your company name and agreed takeover date in the subject line.