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Internship Opportunities

Queen’s is committed to ensuring our students have access to valuable and impactful work experience to support their transition to work-ready graduates.

We are currently seeking employers to partner with us in provision of these experiences, within our funded micro-internship and 12-week summer internship programmes.

Contact our team today
Micro-Internships Funded by Santander Universities

We work in collaboration with Santander Universities to offer funding to Northern Ireland SME’s, charities, public and third sector organisations wishing to facilitate a Micro-Internship. Micro-Internships enable students to gain valuable work experience while delivering a valuable contribution to your organisation.

They help to provide students with the necessary skills and tools to become Future-Ready, and more prepared to make a positive economic and societal impact.  We value the role that employers play in this and look forward to connecting.

What is a Micro-Internship?

The specific nature of the internship will be up to you, but can often include research, operational support or injecting some fresh thinking into your existing workflows.

The internship should require approximately 90 – 100 hours of work, typically during May/June to coincide with completion of the academic year of work.

Funding type: Student Bursary paid by Queen’s – no cost to employer


Offer a Project based Micro-Internship

We are looking for Northern Ireland SMEs, charities and third sector organisations to facilitate a project based micro-internship allowing eligible Queen’s students to gain work experience while delivering a valuable contribution to your organisation. 

Types of projects could include:

  • Business Support
  • Marketing &Communications
  • Data Analytics
  • Market Research
  • Policy Development
  • Project Management
  • Social Change
  • Sustainability Development
female and male intern putting post it notes on a white board
Match-Funded Summer Internships

Queen’s summer internship programme offers Northern Ireland based SME’s, Charities, Public and Third Sector organisations a fantastic intern resource for an 8-week period over the summer for a reduced cost with match-funding of agreed salary. 

The breadth of the Queen’s intern pool means we can support a range of business functions and areas, whilst the organisation boosts future employability skills of our participating students.

 Funding type: Employer match Funded – 50% of salary supplemented by Queen’s.


male intern sitting at laptop working from home
Why host an internship?

By hosting an intern, you will benefit from:  

  • Enthusiasm and fresh perspectives  
  • Problem solving for specific projects  
  • An inexpensive resource 
  • Technology and social media savvy talent  
  • Opportunity to test out potential hires  
  • Current employee development through mentorship 

Express an Interest in Offering Student Internship Opportunities 

Queen’s Micro-internship and 8-week summer internship programmes will reopen for Employers for the 2024/2025 academic year in November 2024.

Employers can continue to express interest below. 

Email with any queries.