Current Students
Current Students
Students can disclose a disability or long term condition at any time during their studies at Queen's by completing our online form and attaching medical evidence (see Guidelines for Medical Evidence)
Should you have any queries please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you.
Supports Available
Support is provided to students with a wide range of needs, including:
- Physical and mobility difficulties
- Visual impairment
- Hearing impairment
- Medical conditions
- Specific learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia
- Mental health
Support available varies and will be tailored to meet individual requirements, but may include the following:
- Recommending reasonable adjustments to a student’s chosen course of study that ensure equitable access to teaching and learning opportunities
- Liaising with staff, tutors, library services and the exams office to ensure that they are aware of your requirements
- Assisting with your application for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) through the Needs Assessment Centre. DSA is available to students who are UK resident and studying an eligible full time or part time undergraduate or postgraduate course.
Click on the below links for more information:
- Academic Support
- Assistive Technology
- Funding
- Library Support
- One to One Support
- Queen's Students' Guide to One to One Support
- Examination Support
- Peer Support
- Careers Support