The Examinations Office will issue updates to School ELOs regularly via the Exam Liaison Officer MS Team.
Online Assessments
1. What considerations do I need to take into account when setting up an online assessment?
Considerations for all assessments:
- Ensure key points of contact and medium for communication has been established;
- Prepare your students if there are any resources, guidance or FAQs they need to refer to prior to the assessment, issue these in advance;
- Ensure that any necessary instructions on how to complete the assessments are provided for students as part of the paper;
- If you are creating assessments in a similar format to that of the upload on QuietMan, don’t forget that the first page of the assessment should be the cover page. Consider outlining information such as:
- Email contact for assessment queries;
- Module code and name;
- Date of assessment;
- Duration; (ensure this matches scheduled duration)
- Name(s) of examiner(s);
- Total sections/questions, total points;
- Instructions on how to complete assessment including word limit if applicable;
- Point of contact if queries with assessment paper, upload etc.;
- Plagiarism declaration;
- Page numbers;
- Any references to extracts, data/statistics tables etc.
- 2. Where can I go to for advice on setting up and administering online assessments via Canvas?
There are a range of online guides and live training sessions available to support Schools in the use of Canvas for Assessments.
For advice and guidance on using Canvas, visit the Digital Learning@Queen’s site for online guidance and video tutorials:
Key guidance to support staff with examinations/tests:
- Canvas Assignment Setup Checklist:
- Guidance on Assessments in Canvas:
- Guide on Open Book Assessment:
- MS Lens Guidance:
- 3. Is there a Deadline for uploading assessments to the online platform?
If you are using solutions such as Canvas or QOL for assessments taking place in the upcoming assessment period, please ensure that assessments are set up and finalised no later than 3 working days prior to scheduled assessment time.
- 4. What is the official wording of the ‘Statement of integrity’ that students should include in their assessment answers?
The official wording is as follows:
By submitting the work, I declare that:
- I have read and understood the University regulations relating to academic offences, including collusion and plagiarism: - The submission is my own original work and no part of it has been submitted for any other assignments, except as otherwise permitted;
- All sources used, published or unpublished, have been acknowledged;
- I give my consent for the work to be scanned using a plagiarism detection software.
- I have read and understood the University regulations relating to academic offences, including collusion and plagiarism:
- 5. What if a student has a reasonable query regarding the assessment itself?
Schools have agreed to provide the email contact for the assessment on the front page of the assessment and make clear that email is the expected means of sending queries. If a ‘class announcement’ is necessary then a batch email can easily be sent to all students.
Please ensure that you are logged into your Queen’s email account during the assessment.
6. I am asking students to use their anonymous code for an assessment - where can they locate that?
Anonymous codes are provided on the Exam timetable. They can also be located on QSIS the anonymous code appropriate for this assessment session would be Spring.
Students can access their anon codes from Qsis > Main Menu > Self Service > Enrollment > View my Anonymous ID
Staff can access student anon codes from Qsis > Main Menu> Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Anonymous IDs
If you or your students are experiencing issues viewing the anon code please contact Exams via the following link.
11. What is the deadline for assessment marks to be published?
The deadline for the publication of assessment results for Semester two Assessment Period is 16 June 2022.
- 12. What Exam Board notes should I use for the Semester two Assessment marks?
We are no longer using the five Exam Board note created for the 'Supplementary Regualtions'. Guidance on the Exam board note to be used have been covered in the training session. If you have a specific query please contact Exams via the following link.