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Information for Students

Your School may also contact your directly regarding your assessments and any specific arrangements which may apply to your modules. Please ensure that you check your Queen’s emails regularly.

This page includes FAQs on the following:

  • Before Assessment
  • During Assessment
  • Assessment Results
  • Registering for Assessments during the August Supplementary Assessment Period

Before Assessment 

On the Day of the Assessment

  • What do I need to bring with me to the Exam venue?

    Key things to bring with you: 

    • Please ensure you have brought a printed copy of your Examination Timetable as it contains important information such as your anonymous code and seat number.
    • Please bring your student card with you for identification purposes, if you have lost it you can purchase a replacement for £10 from the One Elmwood Student Centre - Information desk or you can bring your Drivers Licence or Passport.
    • Bring a bottle of water in a clear or reusable bottle (eg no label).
    • Please leave expensive electronic devices at home. Smart watches and ear buds are not permitted in Examination Venues. Please wear a standard watch and make use of the clocks displayed in the venue.
    • Bring any equipment you will need (pens, pencils, approved calculators where applicable) in a clear bag/pencil case. 
  • I normally Sit my exam in a greenroom venue.

    Disability Services have supplied the Exams office with a list of students with additional support requirements and will continue to send on the details of any students who have registered after the March deadline.

    Those students who would normally sit their assessment in the Green room will have extra details on Green room requirements on their timetable on Queens Online. However if you receive extra time as part of your ISSA reasonable adjustments, this will not be reflected on your Exam timetable. 

    The Exam timetable will provide the details of the Main examination venue- so that all students are aware of the date/time of their Exams.  

    Separate emails will the sent to students for each Exam date to provide specific details of your Greenroom venue. The majority of Greenroom Exams will take place in the PFC (Peter Froggatt Centre).

  • I have a question regarding the examination paper.

    If you have a question regarding the exam paper please raise your hand and an Invigilator will come to you. The Invigilator will help you if you have a question about the exam paper. If necessary they will refer to the Senior Invigilator to resolve any questions you may have if school advice is required. 

    If you have a query about a Take Home Exam paper, please contact your Module co-ordinator.  

  • How will I know how much time I have left?

    Please listen carefully to the Senior Invigilators instructions, they will give you updates on how long you have left and any specific instructions relating to your Examination paper.

    The Senior Invigilator will give you updates on the instructions for the exams before the exam starts. The Senior Invigilator will also give you regular updates on how much time you have left to complete the examination. 



During Online Remote Assessment 

  • I am experiencing technical difficulties during my assessment.

    If you are having technical difficulties such as accessing emails, Canvas, QOL, problems with upload etc. Please contact your module coordinator via the contact details provided for each module on Canvas. 

    If you are able to, try an alternative browser to see if the problem persists.

  • I have a question regarding the assessment paper.

    Your School will provide an email contact for the module on the front page of the assessment that you can direct queries to. You will receive a response by email and if necessary, a response to an individual query will be communicated to all students taking the same assessment. Please ensure that you are logged into your Queen’s email account during your assessment.

  • How will I be notified if any announcements are made during the assessment?

    If you need to be notified of any matters during your assessment, your School will contact you by email. Please ensure that you are logged into your Queen’s email account during your assessment.

  • I have started the assessment however I will no longer be able to submit the work.

    If you are suddenly feeling unwell or other circumstance have risen that you can no longer submit your work, you will need to contact your School in the first instance. 

    They will advise you on the next steps and if you need to apply for Exceptional circumstances. 

  • What will happen if I miss the deadline for submission of an assessment, or have technical difficulties which impact on my performance?

    For online examinations, the period for submission will vary based on the type of assessment, the material covered and also the requirements set by the programme’s accrediting body, if applicable.  However, all online examinations will include additional time to allow for download and upload of the assessment and accessibility for those needing reasonable adjustments. 

    For examinations, including class tests, online examinations or timed take home assessments, it will not be possible to submit after the deadline. If an examination is not submitted by the specified deadline, you will be marked as absent for the component. However, if you do experience technical difficulties or disruption during the examination, you should report this to your School as soon as possible and submit an exceptional circumstances application so this can be taken into consideration.

  • I normally sit my assessments in the Green Room.

    Those students who would normally sit their assessment in the Green room will have extra details on Green room requirements on their timetable on Queens Online. However if you receive extra time as part of your ISSA reasonable adjustments, this will not be reflected on your Exam timetable. 

    Your school has been sent details of your ISSA arrangements and will try to put in place you reasonable adjustments where possible.

Assessment Results

  • Where do I find my results?

    Once your school have published your results you will be able to view them in the usual way via the ‘View my grades’ page on QSIS: Campus Community > Student Services Ctr (Student) > Grades (found from the drop down list just above the link for Unofficial Transcript).

  • When will I receive my results?

    The results deadlines for each semester and other key dates can be found here

Registering for Assessments during the August Supplementary Assessment Period

  • Who can register for a resit?

    Students who have failed to successfully complete or were absent from the final Exam assessment for a module.  

    You will only be able to register for an examination within this period once you have received all your module marks. Please ensure that you have spoken to your Advisor of Studies or School office before registering for an attempt of the assessment(s).

  • When will the registration portal open for an additional attempt?

    Registration will open on Monday 17 June 2024 and close on Thursday 4 July 2024 at 5pm.


  • When will I receive my assessment timetable?

    Student timetables for scheduled assessments will be published on Queens Online by Friday 26 July 2024.


  • How do I complete the registration portal for a resit?

    Log into your Qsis account and navigate to - Main Menu > Self Service > Student Center> Register for Resit Exams

    Please ensure that you have spoken to your Advisor of Studies or School office before registering for an attempt of the assessment(s).

    On the registration portal students must select the response ‘Required to attend’ for any module where they will be taking an assessment in the August Supplementary Assessment Period.

    For any module that a student isn’t going to take, as agreed with their Advisor of Studies, or School, the response ‘Not required to attend’ must be selected.

    A guide to how to complete registration for various scenarios can be found here.