I have changed to Thesis only but my fees are still showing the Full-time or Part-time amount?
You need to check with your School PGR contact that all relevant procedures have been completed in your School to change your Academic Load. Your school is responsible for updating your record to reflect the change of load. Your School should then notify Student Registry of the change. Once Student Registry is informed they can amend any enrolments and recalculate the fees.
- When should I give notice of my intention to submit?
You are required under the Regulations to enter your Notice of Intention to Submit through the pagelet on QSIS, at least three months before your intended submission date which has been agreed between yourself and your Supervisor.
Further details on how to do this can be found under section Research Student Management (RSM): https://www.qub.ac.uk/directorates/AcademicStudentAffairs/StudentServicesSystems/Qsis/QsisServices/QsisforAdministration/TrainingandSupport/QsisSolutions/
- I need to change the Title of my Thesis. How do I do this?
If you are wanting to change your Thesis title in any way you should always inform your Supervisor, as there can be implications if you have received funding for a specific topic of research.
If you have submitted your Notice of Intention to Submit but haven’t submitted your Soft Submission yet, you will need to update your Supervisor and School PGR contact with the change. In most cases it will be acceptable to make a small change i.e. adding a word or rearranging the words in the Title as long as it doesn’t change the meaning of the research. If you are making a big change to your thesis title you will need to inform your Supervisor and PGR contact as the SPRC will need to approve the title change.
If you have submitted your Soft Submission and are changing the title on your Final Pure copy, again this will be fine if it is a small change. You will need to let the School PGR contact know of the change so that your Thesis Submission record can be amended. If the Title change is a recommendation of your viva examination you will need to let your School know if you are taking the recommendation on board, in this instance the title change is supported in the Joint Examiner report. - What forms do I need to submit my Thesis?
When you are making your first Soft Pre-Viva Submission you will need to send the ‘Thesis Submission Form’ alongside your electronic copy of your thesis to your School to submit on your behalf - this needs to be signed by your Supervisor and yourself.
When submitting your final Pure submission, The Repository Deposit Form needs to be completed by yourself, your Supervisor and Internal examiner. If you have two External examiners, then only one of them will need to sign the form.These forms can be found on the tab above called Online Forms.
The Repository Deposit Form must contain wet signatures from the supervisor, examiner, and student.
- Will a digital signature be acceptable on the Thesis Submission and Repository Deposit Forms?
Forms must contain wet signatures (i.e. be handsigned)
- How do I check my Thesis for Plagiarism through Turnitin?
You need to speak to your Supervisor as they will be responsible for creating a ‘class’ for you on Turnitin and will be able to provide you with the login details. Once you have access you will be able to upload parts or all of your Thesis to check for plagiarism.
You can find video tutorials and advice on how to enrol on a class and upload a chapter at the following link: https://www.qub.ac.uk/directorates/AcademicStudentAffairs/CentreforEducationalDevelopment/UsefulInformation/TurnitinUK/
If you have any further queries not answered on the website, you can contact your Supervisor. - Do I need to submit a copy of my ‘originality report’ when submitting my Thesis?
Student Registry do not require a copy of the ‘originality report’ from Turnitin. You will need to provide this to your Supervisor. When your Supervisor signs the ‘Thesis submission form’ they are confirming that they have received a copy of the report and are happy that all relevant plagiarism checks have been made.
- I have attempted to submit my thesis but it has been temporarily rejected, as my ‘Nomination of Examiners’ isn’t complete. How will I know when I am able to submit?
Your Supervisor and school PGR contact are responsible for ensuring your examiners have been approved by the School’s SPRC and their details have been uploaded to QSIS. Once the details are uploaded onto QSIS, they need to be approved by Academic Affairs and set to ‘Approved and Completed’ status. Your Supervisor and PGR contact should update you when your nomination has been approved and you are able to submit your thesis
- How do I find out when my viva examination is?
A nominated person in your School office will liaise with all parties involved to agree a suitable viva examination date. Your Supervisor or School office will inform you of the agreed date and time. If you have any issues or concerns regarding the viva you should contact your Supervisor or PGR Contact in your School office.
- What happens after the viva?
After your viva examination both examiners will complete a joint examiner report outlining their decision and any further changes that need to made. Your internal examiner will gather together the Internal, External and Joint examiner reports and submit them to the PGR contact in your School office. The Joint examiner report needs to be signed by the Head of School before all of the reports are sent on to Student Registry.
Once Student Registry receives a copy of the examiner reports, the Joint Examiner report is signed off by the Head of Student Registry. Student Registry will then generate an outcome letter which confirms the outcome of the viva and is also signed by the Head of Student Registry. A PDF of the examiner reports will be sent to Students' QUB email address. - How do I find out what date I need to complete my corrections by?
If the outcome of your viva is ‘Degree awarded subject to corrections which must be made to the thesis within three/six months’; you will need to complete your thesis corrections by three/six months after the date of the letter.
This is the deadline to submit your corrected thesis to the Internal examiner, not the deadline to submit to Pure. You can submit your final Pure copy once your Examiner has confirmed they are happy with the changes.
- Where do I submit a digital copy of my final Thesis?
Students are required to upload a copy of the thesis via PURE. More details on this can be found at: http://libguides.qub.ac.uk/ethesis
- How do I register for Graduation?
Once you have received your qualification letter you will be eligible for Graduation (provided you have submitted your Pure upload within the deadline for the next Graduation ceremony, see important dates section for confirmation of deadline dates). You will be emailed to your QUB email address once the Graduation registration portal opens, the email will explain how to register and when the registration portal closes.