Soft Submission (Pre-Viva)
Ensure that the following steps have been followed prior to submission:
1. A Notice of Intention to Submit has been submitted via your Qsis account.2. Examiners have been appointed.
3. The wording of your title is exactly the same as stated on your Notice of Intention to Submit a Thesis form.
4. The Submission Form is completed and signed by both you and your supervisor.
Submission form new (PDF)
Final thesis submission - Pure Research Portal
Ensure that the following steps have been followed prior to submission:
1. A Repository Deposit Form is completed and signed. The Repository Deposit Form must contain wet signatures from the supervisor, examiner, and student.
2. A Repository Deposit Form is sent to
3. An Electronic version of the thesis is submitted via Pure with the Repository form.
4. Check you are in good standing via your Qsis account and that you are fully registered for the academic year in which you submit.
5. Update all contact information on your Qsis account.
Repository Deposit Form 2024 (PDF)
If you are having difficulties accessing or editing the PDF forms please contact for assistance or an alternative file format.