Lost your card?
- report the lost card to the Student Information Point (Level 1) in the One Elmwood Student Centre to see if it has been handed in. Telephone: 028 9097 2727
There is charge of £10 to replace a lost or damaged student card. You must order this via the webstore and collect at the Student Information Point.
- Cards can only be issued between 10am-4pm, Monday-Friday
If a card is not working because it is out of date, or the chip no longer works then the replacement is free and can be obtained directly from the Student Information Point.
If a card has been stolen the replacement is free but there is a form to complete.
Found a card?
- please return it to the Student Information Point (Level 1) of the One Elmwood Student Centre.
For the most up-to-date information regarding Student Smart Cards, please visit the Information Services Website.