Welcome to the Student Wellbeing Service
Welcome to the Student Section of our website. There is a wide range of support you can get from the Student Wellbeing Service which is outlined here. If you aren't sure of what support you need, feel free to contact us.
- Visit us: Disability and Wellbeing daily drop-in, Level 1, One Elmwood (next to the Student Information Point) Monday - Friday 11am - 3pm
- Contact us via our online form

We have a variety of support options to help you to protect and maintain your wellbeing, including:
- Wellbeing on Weekdays events and activities
- Wellbeing webinars to support your studies
- Weekly faculty-based wellbeing drop-in clinics
- Campaign events and National Flag Day activities
Wellbeing Action Tip - Be Well:
You don't need to be struggling to access these events. The Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing are designed to be built into our daily lives to help us to Be Well.

We can offer you one-to-one guidance and help signpost you to the most appropriate type of support.
- Daily drop-in clinic at One Elmwood
- Weekly faculty-based outreach drop-in clinics
- Self-help hub
- Guided support courses
- Support group sessions
Wellbeing Action Tip - Stay Well:
Reach out early for support to prevent minor issues beocming major problems.
Wellbeing self-help resources and guided support are strategies to help us to Stay Well.

We can offer you one-to-one wellbeing consultations and therapeutic support such as counselling through our partner organisation, Inspire.
- One-to-one consultations with a wellbeing advisor
- Safe and Healthy Relationships advice and guidance
- Guided therapeutic interventions e.g. WRAP and low-level Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Psycho-education workshops
- Psychological therapy such as Inspire Counselling.
Wellbeing Action Tip - Feel Well:
How we think impacts how we feel. How we feel impacts how we live and interact.
Emotional therapies and supports can help us understand this cycle and reframe our thought patterns to get back on track and Feel Well.

If there are concerns about your safety, we will assess your needs and provide appropriate treatment and support.
- Safety planning
- GP Referral
- Community Mental Health Service (CAMHS - Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service/ Home Treatment Team)
- Mental Health Liaison Team
- Student Mental Health Service (Belfast Health and Social Care Trust)
Wellbeing Action Tip - Get Well:
Statistics show that a significant percentage of the population will require mental health treatment in their lifetime. Professional medical support can offer the assessment, treatment and support to help us Get Well.