At Queen's we understand that students may encounter academic difficulties at times, this can be with the course, or other things that are not going well that impacts students on their academic studies. Below are some of the main issues, however this list is not exhaustive, but its important to know that support is available from a range of staff in the University, and you should engage with support at the earliest stage.
Support available
Support within your School
Advisor of studies can help you with module choices and to provide guidance in academic matters, e.g., requirements of your degree programme, progression between stages, resit examinations, change of programme, permissions of absence during term time, temporary withdrawal, etc. In particular, your choice of modules, as well as any changes, must always be approved by your AoS. Students should meet with their AoS at least once a year at enrolment before the start of the academic year.
Personal tutor can support you in your transition from School or other previous occupation to Higher Education. During your first year, personal tutor meetings will be held throughout term. The aim of these meetings is to provide regular contact with a member of staff in a small-group setting.
Module convenor can help students with information around assignment and assessment guidelines for a module.
You can check who has been assigned to you by accessing your Student Centre in QSIS. Staff lookup can be used to access their contact details. If you are unsure who is your Personal Tutor or Advisor of Studies and can't find the information on QSIS, your School Office will be able to help you.
- One Elmwood Student Centre
There are a number of key support services within the One Elmwood Student Centre. Find out about the services here: www.qub.ac.uk/sgc
Below is more information on services who can support you with academic issues.
The Learning Development Service
The Learning Development Service is available to help you with academic skills. You can have a one-to-one appointment and/or attend a wide range of workshops on topics including essay writing, referencing, time management, presentation skills and preparation for exams. LDS also offers support for maths and statistics.
Further Information
T: 028 9097 3618
E: lds@qub.ac.ukDisability & SpLD Support
Disability Services provides support to students with a wide range of disabilities including physical disabilities, mental health difficulties, sensory impairments, medical conditions, autism spectrum disorders and dyslexia.
If you have a disability or acquire a disability whilst studying at Queen’s, support can be arranged to meet you individual needs.
Further Information
T: 028 9097 5251
E: disability.office@qub.ac.ukStudent Wellbeing Service
Your Faculty Wellbeing Advisor can help link you back in with your school
- Academic-related issues
Below are some academic related issues that you may want to find out more on. Remember, you can speak to your Advisor of Studies, Learning Development Service, The Graduate School or visit The Assessment Support Hub for more advice and support with any specific assessment issues/concerns.
- Postgraduate Support
The Graduate School is a hub for all Queens Postgraduates, it connects students across all disciplines to one another, and to mentors, leaders, and employers within the university and beyond. We support postgraduates to become ‘what’s next thinkers’, training you to be thinkers, communicators, innovators and leaders who are future ready.
With a range of training, events, funding information, academic support available. Find out more information here
- Library Services
- Live chat service 7 days a week for any library queries.
- IT Service Desk is the central point for all IT related services.
- Provide additional support for those with a disability.
- Website is full of helpful hints and tips on how to get the most out of the library.
- Dedicated subject librarian available.
- Or visit the website