At Queen's, we are focused on promoting activities and services which help create an environment where students thrive, both academically and personally, to better reach their potential.
Procedure on Support to Participate Fully in Studies and/or University Life (on the Grounds of Health and/or Safety)
Queen’s University is committed to providing a supportive environment for its students, takes a positive attitude to the management of students’ physical and mental health, and recognises that the wellbeing of students is critical to their learning, academic achievement and wider student experience.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
All members of the Queen’s, staff and students, play an important role in the success of our community. A whole university approach on health and wellbeing is fundamental to ensuring a culture exists where all members can flourish regardless of their role at the University.
While there is a clear understanding and appreciation of the fact that students and staff encounter unique and very different aspirations and challenges, #QUBeWell endorses the concept that we all play an important role in the individual and collective success of our community.
The policy statement linked below sets out our policy position on supporting mental health and wellbeing on campus. It is enabled by the #QUBeWell Framework, an operational action plan, and is supported by individual Service Delivery Plans of key areas across the University and the Students’ Union.
Read the Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy Statement
Stepped Matched Care Model of Support
Student Wellbeing services are delivered around a Stepped Match Care model, ensuring students have access to the most appropriate level of support at the right time.
View the Stepped Matched Care Model of Support
Short Term Impairments
There may be occasions when a student may be injured/ impacted or require surgery which can result in a short term impairment e.g. broken limb, illness, medical procedure, undiagnosed mental health concerns etc. Temporary impairments are not regarded as disabilities, however the University does recognise that temporary impairments may impact on academic progress (e.g. difficulties getting to class, taking notes, taking exams etc.) and has provided information that may help students continue with their academic progress.
Ongoing hospitalisation due to illness, surgery etc. is not considered a temporary impairment, and will be considered with attendance policies and exceptional circumstances procedures, depending on the length of absence. Please contact Accessible Learning Support if there is a query about an absence that relates to a disability or contact accessiblelearning@qub.ac.uk
Guidelines on Support for Short-term Impairments
Suicide Safety
The Suicide Safe Policy aims to prevent suicide in the University community by creating a supportive environment, offering training and support, and dispelling myths about suicide. The policy focuses on raising awareness, addressing root causes, and encouraging help-seeking behaviours among staff and students.
Supporting Students Under the Age of 18
Queen's University Belfast is committed to supporting all students throughout their time at Queen's. A range of support services are available to all students, providing information, advice and specialist services. We encourage students to engage with support services, and to ask for assistance where needed.
The University requires all parents/guardians of students who will be under 18 on their first day of studies to complete a consent form acknowledging that they have read the University's Supporting Students Under the age of 18 Policy and understand what the University can and can't do to support students under 18, and the implications for communication with parents arsing from data protection legislation. We hope that this information helps to clarify the scope of the University's role in supporting your child and supports you in considering the safety and wellbeing of your child as they make this transition to University life.
As you can see from the Policy (linked below), we will write to all students under the age of 18 outlining support available to them and ensuring they are aware of specific legal points relating to being under the age of 18.
Find out more and read the policy
Further Information About Parental Consent
Student Equality and Diversity
Queen's University Belfast is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity and to creating and sustaining an environment that values and celebrates the diversity of its staff and student body.
Bullying and Harrassment
Students who believe they are being harassed or bullied have a number of options to consider, and every situation is different, with actions dependent on individual circumstances.
Sexual Misconduct
Any form of sexual misconduct is regarded completely unacceptable and taken very seriously by the University. If a student believes they have been sexually assaulted or harassed, there are guidance and support options available.
Student Maternity, Maternity Support and Adoption Policy
This Policy provides advice and guidance on issues related to study, health and safety, and finance to students who become pregnant during their studies, prospective students who are already pregnant when they commence study, students who have given birth within the previous 26 weeks (or are continuing to breastfeed) and/or their partners and those who have recently become parents (e.g. through adoption). The policy also advises University staff who may have a role in advising students coming to them with these issues.
Student Support Policy on Alcohol and Drugs
The University is committed to promoting a safe and supportive environment in which to study and work. The University wishes to ensure that the health, safety and wellbeing of students and staff, and the reputation of the University and its students, are not jeopardised through alcohol or drug misuse.
A Guide for Parents/Guardians
Going to University marks a new chapter in a young person’s development. Moving to independent learning and living is an exciting time – one of exploration, not just of the subject that they have chosen to study in more depth but also exploration of themselves as people.
Each student is different – so for some this may be staying in very regular contact, for others it might mean ‘letting go’ a bit more and encouraging them to make decisions for themselves and self-manage the situations they find themselves in. We all need the support of friends and family throughout our lives, but there is a point for young people when they need to be encouraged to become more independent and responsible for their own path.
Read the Guide for Parents/Guardians
Animals on Campus Policy
The University recognises that there may be legitimate reasons for staff or students to bring animals on to campus. This will most commonly be in the form of assistance or service animals and the University is fully committed to supporting open access where possible.
This document provides guidance on the University’s policy on the presence of animals on its estate.
Read the Animals on Campus Policy