For enquires about Queen's, generally, please go to www.qub.ac.uk/contact
For queries about Widening Participation programmes at Queen's, the Widening Participation Unit Team are more than happy to answer any questions. Please see contact details below for the relevant contact for each programme.
For queries about Queen's Widening Participation Programmes, please email wpu@qub.ac.uk or phone 028 9097 5020, or see specific programme contact details below.

For queries about the Professor Fluffy Programme:
You can email professorfluffy@qub.ac.uk.

For queries about the Reading Together Programme:
You can email rt@qub.ac.uk.

For queries about the Junior Academy Programme:
You can email junioracademy@qub.ac.uk.

For queries about the Junior Academy Sports Programme:
You can email jasports@qub.ac.uk.

For queries regarding the Senior Academy Programme:
You can email senioracademy@qub.ac.uk.

For queries about the Pathway Opportunity Programme:
You can email pop@qub.ac.uk.

For queries about Care Experienced Students:
You can email Julie-Ann Hamilton at j.a.hamilton@qub.ac.uk@qub.ac.uk or Sinead O'Kane s.okane@qub.ac.uk@qub.ac.uk.

For queries related to Mature Students:
You can email clodagh.mcmeel@qub.ac.uk.