Welcome to Phase 1 Section B
Please read over the aims and objectives of this section and click on your theory to practice link before completing your formative questions and summative assessment. If you have difficulty understanding any of the content of this section, please discuss this with your CILG teacher in your next class.
This eResource has been designed to be used on a university PC using the Google Chrome web browser. It is currently not configured to be used on any mobile device.
The main aim of this section of the eResource is to introduce students to the utilisation of evidence in professional practice
By the end of this section you should be able to:-
Please view the following short video clip. This link should help to demonstrate the relevance and applicability of using evidence to support clinical practice.
Can You Believe What You Read? Battling Bad Science
Every day there are news reports of new health advice, but how can you know if they're right? Watch the TED talk below and hear Doctor and epidemiologist Ben Goldacre shows us the ways evidence can be distorted, from the blindingly obvious nutrition claims to the very subtle tricks of the pharmaceutical industry. (click here)
Following on from the above activity, please attempt to answer the following formative assessment questions. You can click to receive immediate feedback on your answers. These formative assessment questions are not marked and will not affect your overall module score. You are strongly encouraged to undertake the formative assessment questions before proceeding and prior to undertaking the summative assessment questions at the end of this section.
Finding the right evidence
The following four questions are based on the statement below.
You are on placement in a medical ward and have noticed poor hand hygiene compliance by some staff when delivering patient care. Your mentor suggests that an intervention might be useful to improve hand hygiene compliance and asks you to look in the Cochrane Library for evidence relating to this.
(This is an example of asking a question which has arisen from clinical practice)
Using your key words in question 2, search the Cochrane Library for evidence relating to your clinical question.
Click on the link below to access the Cochrane Library:
Read the summary of the systematic review undertaken by Gould et al (2013):
By the end of this section you should be able to:-
Before leaving this section, please ensure that you have achieved the learning outcomes for this section of the course.
Only when you have completed all of the above activities should you attempt the summative QuestionMark test. Your QuestionMark username and password are the same as your QOL login details. All assessments can be accessed from the 'Link to the EBN1 Tests in QuestionMark' tab within the NFM1105 Modules on Canvas. To navigate to QOL/Canvas and log into the summative assessment program 'QuestionMark' and attempt the Phase 1 Section B Test (Click here)
This eResource and the QuestionMark tests have been designed to be used on a university PC using the Google Chrome web browser. It is currently not configured to be used on any mobile devices.
Please ensure that you click the ‘SUBMIT’ button after you complete each test to ensure that your scores are recorded. YOU WILL ONLY GET ONE ATTEMPT TO COMPLETE YOUR ASSESSMENT.
February 2019:
Assessment for this section completed
September 2019:
Assessment questions for Section A and Section B MUST be completed on or before: Monday - 25th November 2019.
If you have any questions related to QuestionMark or the EBN1 Tests, please contact Paddy Haughian - p.haughian@qub.ac.uk or telephone: 028 9097 2603