Please view some of the comments made by previous EBN1 students:
Student comments about the eResource:
"It is interactive and engaging and really helps the students"
"The online resource is far more engaging"
"The use of colour and the simple instructions make the program easy to use"
"I loved the 'theory to practice' videos as it makes it a lot easier to relate to nursing and to see the relevance"
Advice from current students:
"Be organised, be prepared, put the work in and do the formative exercises as you go along"
"Work hard and keep on top of your work! Keep notes up to date as you go along! You will love it"
"Attend all lectures because if you don't you will be in trouble. Be prepared for lectures"
"Don't be afraid to ask a question, whether in lectures, tutorials or on placements"
"If you're unsure about something, there's a good possibility that others are too"
"There's no such thing as a silly question"