Watch the following clip to find out more about the support available to women with diabetes.
"Aim to empower women with diabetes to have a positive experience of pregnancy and childbirth by providing information, advice and support that will help to reduce the risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes for mother and baby."
NICE Clinical Guidelines
Women with diabetes should have access to a dedicated team to help manage their diabetes and to support them through pregnancy. As well as their GP, they will also have the support of a dedicated diabetes pregnancy support team at their local hospital. Women with diabetes should be made aware that the following support is available:
"Advice women that extra time and effort is needed to manage diabetes during pregnancy and that she will have frequent contact with healthcare professionals”
“Give women with diabetes who are planning to become pregnant information about the local arrangements for support during pregnancy, including emergency contact numbers. "
NICE Clinical Guideline 2015
Women with diabetes should be seen every 2 weeks by their multiprofessional team at a joint antenatal and metabolic clinic. They should expect to be offered the following care: